• expired

Woolworths Wish eGift Cards 5% off @ Cashrewards


Just received this email from Cashrewards. Time to load up on 5% off Woolworths Gift Cards this weekend!!

ENDING SOON: Save 5% on Woolworths Gift Cards

As a valued Cashrewards member, we want to tell you about upcoming changes to our Woolworths Gift Card program.

From 21 Oct 2020, we’ll offer 3% discount on Woolworths Gift Cards.

From 19 Nov 2020, no further discounts will be available.

This decision applies to a wide range of partners advertising Woolworths Gift Cards and lies outside the control of Cashrewards.

Stock up and save

There’s still time to save 5% instantly with Woolworths Gift Cards. Stock up now to keep on saving at Woolworths, Dan Murphy’s, BIG W, BWS, Caltex and more.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3832)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Woolworths Gift Cards
Woolworths Gift Cards

closed Comments

      • Tried to pay an Energy Australia bill over $100 at the PO and didn't even get challenged for a PIN it just declined and said "tap payments not accepted".

        Tried twice and it worked for another bill that was under $100.

        • Po payment could be tricky. Some bills have limitation on cc payment. My car service fee is $600. It went through without any problem. And received an email from 28 said offer redeemed.

    • +1

      Prezzee app on iphone can buy gift cards and pay with Apple Pay.

      • Cart
        You have 1 item in your cart

        WISH eGift Card - Lights @ $500.00 each
        EGiftcard Icon Add a personal message
        Remove all items
        Subtotal $500.00
        Would you like to donate to a charity?
        Select one charity

        $ Value

        Promo code
        Enter the code

        'member discount' applied -$25.00


            eGift Card
            Delivery of eGift Cards (up to 10 min) $0.00

        The above time period is an estimate only from the receipt of your payment. Most orders will be delivered within 10 minutes, however times may vary up to 48 hours subject to public holidays, peak periods and order verification.

  • +4

    I thought they are making money from the e-gift card since they added the barcode function for self checkout recently. so sad.

  • +2

    No need to worry about it. Other promo may occur, e.g. points back to Rewards card for buying eGC.

  • +1

    If it is a Woolworths initiative and it will stop on all platforms it just means that the decrease in interest rates made it no longer profitable for Woolworths to borrow money from the customers like that.

  • From 19 Nov 2020, no further discounts will be available.

    Wow. That’s disappointing.

  • +1

    it is huge news for Ozbs

  • Thanks for the heads up.

  • +1

    Seniors Card is still advertising 5% not sure if that will change as well.

    You can buy discounted WW Gift Cards at a lot of places maybe they are just rationalising their partners.

  • Are Shopback doing the same?

  • this is very interesting because its becoming a bit of a trend. Coles went from 5 to 4, David Jones has gone and Woolworths is now lowering and then disappearing.

  • +3

    Man I'll miss these once WFH comes to an end. No more 5% off train tickets ;(

    • if you can make it to bankstown a newsagent will give you a stamp towards a free lotto ticket if you buy your opal card there

  • RAC & EB still offer the 5% off discount, Suncorp recently brought back the Coles 3% too. Not a total loss with CR pulling out!

    • +1

      It sounds like this is not just CR, many partners appear to be affected. Only time will tell though.

  • +1

    :( Sad times…

  • +2

    This change must hurt businesses like Shopback & Cashrewards. Wasn't one of them planning an IPO soon? Even if WW GCs weren't a big earner for them, it brought people onto the platform.

    Bit of a shame because WW just updated their GC app and made it even better. Guess it's time to uninstall…

    • +2

      I feel that with the termination of these eGift cards and the ShopBack data breach, the cashback websites will struggle.

      Perhaps I am being extreme though.

  • Does opal topup still work on this? I'm thinking of topping up to the max since I use around $40 a week.

    • +1

      Yes (or it did in September).

  • At the checkout in Woolies, is there a way to just use whatever's left on the gift card and prompt me for an additional payment source if required, without having to type in an exact amount for a split payment?

    • +3


      EDIT1: Wait no, you need to type in the exact amount left on the eGift card. This is easy if you use the Woolworths Money app though because the display refreshes the remaining balance.

      EDIT 2: You can also kindly ask the staff member to use the remaining balance up and they will find out what that is for you.

    • Yeah, a bit inefficient both of those, but at least the Money app will help a bit - thanks.

    • +5

      If I don't know the balance and I know that there's money left on the card, I just split payment for 0.01 and after I spend that, it shows the balance on the machine. Learnt this trick from a staff member years ago. Much easier than getting staff to come around when payment gets denied due to insufficient funds.

    • Tried the Money app today - had potential, except trying to get the bar code scanned on the app at every conceivable angle and pinch scale failed. Even two staff couldn't get it to scan. Didn't have problems before using the barcodes in email.

      But at least I could see how much balance a previous card had to deplete it.

      I notice Woolworths are putting QR codes on some products now too, which don't scan as easily as the barcoded products.

      • +1

        I think the scanning of gift card barcodes only works on the newer scanning terminals - at least that's been my experience anyway. If that's the case, it's a pity their software hasn't got it built-in to their system (i.e. only enable the scan gift card option if they have the newer terminal).

  • +3

    Quick question for everyone. If the eGift cards have 0% discount in future then why would anybody buy one for any purpose at all? Why not use cash or send somebody money? You are otherwise gaining the disbenefit of restricting your cash to certain shops with no benefits gained whatsoever unless I am short-sighted.

    • +2

      Forward spending money.

    • +1

      Then people will only buy for its actual purpose when needed - i.e. 'gifting' it.

  • +5

    Just saved myself 50$ for buying iphone 11 from BIGW with coupons of 1000$. Great instant savings.

  • Sad, sad, sad. The saddest bargain news in a while.

  • +9

    And Woolies had just recently upgraded their app to show the eGiftcard as a bar code.

    After years of typing in the numbers manually this was a great improvement.

    Looks like my tax cut will be getting spent without even buying anything extra.

    How's that going to help the economy ?

    • Maybe they will go direct. Cash flow and locking in customer to shop at the store would be pretty handy I would say.

      I haven't got the email her either any buy alot via cashrewards

    • +1

      Maybe it's just me but I much prefer typing in the numbers (at least WW numbers aren't as long as Coles!)- reason being the scanning of barcode is atrocious from my experiences anyway. I've had so much grief trying to get the barcodes to scan (yes have maxed out both screen brightness and barcode size) and have gone back to just typing the numbers in.

      • Maybe it's just me but I much prefer typing in the numbers (at least WW numbers aren't as long as Coles!)- reason being the scanning of barcode is atrocious from my experiences anyway.

        Strangely they have asked me to type in the number starting from 555 (if for some reason I can't scan), so instead of 10 digit card + 4 digit pin, it now becomes 13 digit card number + 4 digit pin. This was after Woolies introduced barcodes..

      • I've found pinching the screen to reduce the size of the barcode a bit works well - the default size is too big I think. Worked 100% so far for me.

        • Another tip, turns the screen brightness to 100%. will help.

  • +4

    More reason to shop at Coles then. I prefer the meat at Coles especially their Coles Finest range.

    • +7

      What? What reason is there to shop at coles? Coles Bunnings and Officeworks is only cheap when they have pricematch. Otherwise, they're actually very expensive. Down Down my bank account and dignity. Coles is absolute garbage, they joined forces with Ebay yet you can only buy maximum 1-2 of most products. Their customer service is so atrocious that it's practically nonexistent. I remembered during Covid, they didn't care about social distancing, packed house means more profit.

      • +3

        Have you tried their Coles Finest meat range?

      • "During covid"? Covid's still around yo…

        To be fair, I haven't seen any Woolies staff social distancing (unless you meant Coles let in too many customers, then I can't comment).
        Coles self service checkout machines were significantly faster than Woolies ones in the past, I dunno about now.

        I've heard stories from people who work at Woolies and… you should all wash all the food (fruit/veg I guess) you get very well, even things like an entire watermelon. I imagine Coles is the same. Staff don't care and are disgusting.

        • what do coles staff do thats disgusting ?

  • what do I do now? I mean I literally live off this… now they're taking my life support away… woolies, caltex, dan murphy…. 😭

  • +2

    Pour a fifth on the curb (then drink it as I'm tight)

  • +2

    Sorry it's all my fault because I only thought of this happening a few days ago and now it has happened. Oops my bad.

  • +1

    I think in the future they will have promotions offering 5% off again for short periods so I don't think this is the end.

    • This IS an end of the era as per the news available today.

    • I think you're probably right, but it won't stack with other discounts. By removing the discount on gift cards, WW can control the maximum discount per order.

  • +12

    So they want me to shop at Aldi???
    It's okay, it's their loss, won't be trying to shop at BWS or WW for a 5% discount and just go to Aldi now.

    • +3

      Wish aldi would start accepting Amex. That's one benefit of Coles and woolies. Especially for things like milk, which is $2.39 for 2 litres home brand at all 3 chains, if Amex is your best way to pay then it's better to buy at Colesworth as they take Amex with no surcharge.

      • -3

        Wish every retailer would put a massive surcharge on Amex

        • I wouldn't mind at all if stores just passed on what they were charged, for all payment methods. A good overview of what each card charges comes from the ATO's surcharges:

          Aldi charges 0.5%, presumably most of those cards are domestic credit visa and mastercard. They probably have higher volumes than the ATO, so get better rates. Amex is twice the ATO surcharge of domestic visa and mastercard, so a reasonable ballpark estimate of what Aldi’s Amex surcharge would be is 1.0%. Not insignificant, but not massive.

          If you want transparent pricing, then what really needs to happen is transparent surcharges on by now pay later schemes, as they add 3 to 6% in surcharges to merchants; source from afr, probably behind a paywall though : https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/afterpay-us…
          With BNPL growing so rapidly, that surcharge is going to have way more impact on pushing prices up than Amex ever could.

  • Well, that sucks.

    Interesting that Colesworth seem to be tightening up across the board.

  • +8

    sad news, greed from big cooperate. at least now i can shop more at aldi/coles.

  • +1

    Have been stacking this with 10% off from WW insurance & mobile which has been great since the window went from 1 designated weekend a month to anytime. Hopefully, this remains after Covid. With multiple cards in household have been doing one large shop a week at about 14% discount. The extra 4/5% will be sadly missed.

  • +12

    Waiting for TA to offer us 'Spend $1000 and get $10 bonus cashrewards'

  • +5

    I think they might be trying to accelerate profits. Last week they cancelled my staff card that I got in 2005 for a few months work at Dan Murphys. It truly was the job that kept on giving. Was going to use these to keep on getting a discount, but they are finally one step ahead of me.

  • +5

    2020 claims another victim…

    • +20

      I wholeheartedly agree. We should all bear the consequences of your unmotivated friends and colleagues.

  • With interest rates dropping and the govt printing billions to give to Banks to lend out to businesses at SFA.

    Coles worth doesn't need our credit extended to them by way of a gift card.

    Another negative to the govnuts overzealous and mostly unnecessary money printing endeavour

  • +4

    Was good for 5% off new release games at big w…😭

    • +2

      Also for the PS5 pre-order

  • Suncorp is still keeping Big W, Dan M, cellarmaster gift cards as 5%
    Also Kmart gift card as 5%
    So people should only count their grocery and petrol bills when you stock up wish gc

    • I thought the Big W gift cards were interchangeable with Woolies?

      • +1

        Not anymore, probably since early 2020

        • so you cant use big w e gift card to in woolies store anymore?

          • @ATTS: What is this nonsense. You can.

            • @cumova: No you can't the Big W giftcard is store specific the Wish card can be used at all Woolworths owned outlets plus Woolworths petrol stations.

              • @coin saver: ah i see. So basically, it means if buying from Big W, use Big W GCs and save the Wish ones for Woolies.

  • -2

    Doesn't matter. The stores that they're valid at are more than 5% dearer than my local places anyway (groceries, fuel, booze) so this isnt a bargain for me

  • Stock up and save

    So, is there a limit to how many you can buy in a month?
    (I see 10 per transaction… that'll probably do, right?)

    • No limit.

      • +5

        Investment opportunity! 5% beats the "high interest" savings account cash rate!

  • +4

    Interesting that this comes up just as Coles reintroduces discounted gift cards on Suncorp app.

    • What percent discount do they give ?

      • 3% so not much.

        • Coles is 4% if you have Beacon/Smartspending from your employer. Or know someone who has it.

    • +3

      Coles probably reintroduce the gift cards, seeing people are gravitating towards Woolworths. Unfortunately, this development could mean a re-think by Coles, and they may remove the discounted gift cards also in the near future. A pity, we the consumers will be the ones losing out.

      • +7

        The discounted cards are the primary reason for me to go to Woolies. I'll move to Aldi if they disappear.

        • +2

          Me too, I'll be shopping far more at Aldi now

        • I was already shopping a lot at Aldi before COVID but started to use delivery services more. If only Aldi offers delivery as well.

  • If you have Insurance with RACV, their member portal offer 5% discount on Woolworth gift card

    • +1

      As with all the other offers, there's a very high chance they will be going down soon

  • +1

    I hope Woolworths is going to be 'targeting' this rather than abolishing it in full e.g. they'll keep the discount for select groups like seniors etc and we can shake them down for discounted GCs.

    • Whatever happened to the scheme that the Fed. Government announced (financed by retailers) for retailers to join, for a discount scheme for pensioners?

  • +2

    Another sad news. This will effectively kill the Money app!!!

    Also it's going to push some business to ALDI and Coles

    • Love the money app

    • I for one doubt I'm a particularly valuable woolworths customer

  • would this also effect Woolworths Group Employee buying gift cards with their rewards card? they already save 5% on gift cards buying them at woolies.

    • +2

      would this also effect Woolworths Group Employee buying gift cards with their rewards card? they already save 5% on gift cards buying them at woolies.

      No, but be careful when you use your staff rewards card, they're tracking it much more aggressively now.

      • How? By location mismatch?

        • And why??

          • +1

            @capslock janitor: Why? Easy to answer: people misuse the card and obtain the discount that is not supposed to apply to them. It offers 10% off since March, not sure about the expiry.

            I have heard it is determined by multiple different CCs used with it, but hard to do so with eGCs. Location is another possibility.

  • I have the Beacon/SmartSpending App via my employer and no mention of a rate drop in there yet.

    Might buy some just in case.

    • +2

      I'd hazard a guess that not every merchant/seller will be as open about such a change.

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