• expired

KFC Bucket Hunt: Multiple Prizes (in-Store Redemption) @ KFC App


KFC just launched their Pokemon like game, you can go hunting KFC prizes and most likely get a free ultimate box for your first time, some got slushies etc :)

The first bucket will be available around you with first play. Just pan your camera around to find the red big spot, tap tap tap it then spin spin spin for a free win ^_^
Can stack up to 3 prizes at a time and each will expire in 72hrs: gonna do lot of walking for free KFC prizes lol

Prizes include (see FAQ):

  • Food
  • Cash
  • Experiences
  • KFC EFTPOS Gift Card
  • Merch

Prize quantity and value

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

    • I redeemed a 3pcs box. No issue

      • +1

        The problem with the ultimate box not 3pcs box

    • I managed to redeem mine for dinner just now. For some reason when I tapped the "I'm inside restaurant" button it just pops a "it's on it's way" message and the store had to manually look up in their system (thankfully was there)

    • +4

      Use the ultimate box link from this deal

      • Not working for me :/

  • -5

    So, it's ok that https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/635355 this is OK? with over 187+ votes (no negative since posting this), but a person can't use which I assume is a GPS spoofer?

    Both have used code to locate item ID's and abuse them? Either for a discount or for free items… please explain how this isn't a double standard?

    • -2

      I had a laugh at that too. Everyone here gets downvoted using a spoofer or code, but everyone will happily take advantage of that 'hack'.

    • +5

      So you comparing a $4 off hack with someone stashing $1000 in prizes?
      Are you using your "skillset" for the benefit of all ozbargainers or just for yourself?

    • The $4 off way you are still paying for the other items, you are not getting it for free like with this. Not a double standard.

  • +3

    Got my first 15 PC bucket!! Came from a flip of $21 for 21 PC voucher. Cheers lads

  • +4

    Damn, still having the issue of buckets not registering when I'm right on top of them.

    • +1

      Same issue.

    • I have a feeling they implemented a certain amount of buckets you can get within a certain time range.

      • Thats what I was thinking. Because it sometimes works.

      • The way it works is that the map constantly checks for the buckets around you, every 10 seconds. If you are near a bucket, it will try and register that bucket to your account on the same timer. Recently, to reduce the botting they added limits to how many times you can send the data to the servers, however for some reason they included the bucket listing in the same limit to the bucket registration. So you just have to get lucky when the rate limiting is lifted that it registers the bucket first instead of getting the bucket list.

        • +2

          Stood at a bucket for 3 minutes and watched the timer go down to 0… does that mean the limit is longer than 3 minutes?

          • @CodeXD: The limit is like 40 seconds but it's like a 30% chance after that 40 seconds that it will register, otherwise you have to wait the 40 seconds again

          • +1

            @CodeXD: Often I'm finding two sets of buckets, one group with say 1min left and another with 4min. If I go to any of the 1min buckets, they won't register (like they're not supposed to still be there) but if I go to the other ones, it will work pretty much straight away

    • I think it's IP based, i switch between Wifi/mobile data and i am able to get more buckets..

      • Thats what I figured out also. I was using wifi because it was chewing up my mobile data so bad. So I would load the map screen and switch to mobile. Grab a bucket and then switch back to wifi to claim lol

  • Not been seeing buckets around for over 24 hrs now

    • +1

      buckets won't appear in locations where there is a lock down.

      brisbane for example

      • Yes, can confirm. This has been the case since past week or so when the lockdown(s) were announced. Losing out on a lot now. Stash will be empty today. Last prize remaining now. Ultimate Box, though. Got from Flipping a Zinger Burger.

  • Oh makes sense thanks

  • Anyone having trouble redeeming their stashed items today? I tried to redeem a ultimate box today but it keeps trying to charge me full price.

    I've tried clearing my order and reordering and it now says "pending redemption" in my stash but it still tries to charge me full price.

    • I had the same issue, charged with full price.

  • Damn, yes. They have fudged up the app. Even the ordering process has changed (although no App update).
    It does not recognise the Ultimate Box as "Discount applies at checkout" - and hence it is going ahead to charge me full price.

    Others have reported this as well earlier. Is it worthwhile to show this to the Store Manager, will they give it for free? Or no.

    My Ultimate Box expires in 1 hour!

  • I redeemed a hoodie in app yesterday but haven't received any further communication. Should i still be waiting?

    • Took over a week for the confirmation email for an eftpos card for me. I'd say hoodies are the same.

      • how did you get the eftpos card? did you flip something? if so what was it? cheers!

        • Yeah, 15pc bucket. I believe all non food prizes come from flipping. Have to start with a high value item before flipping

          • @whitelie: fuarr nice, 15 pc bucket off the bat!, i havent come across it yet, i had to flip something to get my only 15 pc bucket

    • Have you also redeemed any other non-food prizes? If so, you probably won't get the hoodie. Otherwise, you should be waiting around a week

      • No haven't redeemed anything other non-food prizes. Just had 1 golden bucket.

      • Is there a limit on non-food prizes? ie Should you give out other details when redeeming further items?
        Doesn't seem right if they encourage you to play as much as possible (even if there are codes cheating the system).

      • -3

        Hi mate, care to enable PMs?

        • Done :)

  • +1

    The Ultimate Box redemption issue is cased by an update to the Menu item - Ultimate Box itself. The "new" Ultimate Box now allows you to edit your Chicken Piece for:
    - Hot & Spicy (was available earlier as well)
    - Original Fillet
    - Zinger Fillet
    - Original Tender
    - Snack Chicken Popcorn (add $0.50)

    Similarly, they have added option to "upsize" the sides in the box.
    So, due to this, the App isnt able to recognize the discount to be applied. Another major bug - but not unexpected looking at the vast number of bugs encountered already. Using this trick works to get the "old" Ultimate Box in your cart with the limited Edit options and the Discount applies as expected.

    Also, I had placed Support Requests earlier whn I had won several Ultimate Boxes, Large Popcorns, Zinger Stacker Burgers but none would "add to my stash". I havent heard back from them yet. Just the usual acknowledgment email comes instantly.

    Has anyone got a response from their support (excluding cases where you were charged, and requested a refund)?

    • +1

      Not working and charging the full price, unfortunately:(

      • do you see 'Ultimate Box - Discount applied at checkout' when you go to checkout? The one from clicking redeem in stash does not have this so it is not discounted.

        • Yes it says discounted and in the checkout page still charges..

      • From what I can understand after reading the comments from this deal is that this trick would not work for some accounts, not sure why. That is why it is marked as targeted.

    • Looks like those links have gone now

      • +1

        Which one isn't working? I tried the ultimate box link and it still works

  • After trying to redeem my ultimate box today it still has 60+ hours left and is "pending redemption". Will it stay pending for the whole 60 hours or will it disappear after today if I don't use it (I can't get to kfc again until tomorrow)?

    • It will become available tomorrow

  • Game's over gents.

    "The Hunt is Ending Early"

    Due to COVID-19 restrictions across Australia we've had to make the tough call to end The Great Bucket Hunt early for your safety.

    If you've got any prizes still in your stash - you can still redeem them before they expire. We hope ya'll had a blast!

  • +3




    Ohwell, it was fun while it lasted.

  • +1

    how is the redemption counted? 24 hours from last redeemded, or does it reset after 12am?

    • -1

      Resets 2:30pm AEST

      • First few days was this, but then it got changed to midnight

  • +2

    Well that was a fun competition while it lasted and for the sake of all our health its probably good that it ended early! Has there been any other food ones that have been this generous with their prizes? It was much better than Maccas monopoly. Lets hope its a yearly one :)

  • +1

    My best ones was 2x 15pc free in a stash

  • +3

    The only plus to this ending early is now I don't have to fit it into my calories anymore…

    Can I redeem something that's about to expire and go through with the checkout but just not hit the final 'im inside the restaurant' until I get there a few hours later? They don't actually start making it until you hit that to my knowledge.

  • +8

    Great. I thought I might be dead before the game ends

    • I literally deleted the app before I read this news. Even the smell of the 15 piece bucket wants to make me want to vomit now. It was a gamified unhealthy addiction that must’ve cost KFC a few dollars.

  • +1

    So what about the golden bucket competition??? My partner had two golden buckets in his stash!!!

    • ggz

  • +6

    How sad. I'll have to start buying food again.

  • Does anyone know where I can get one of the hoodies? Found out too late about this and only started today.

  • +1

    Damn I am sad its ending but I think its for the best as I was starting to force myself to eat it everyday as its free. I think I wont want to look at KFC for atleast a few months haha I will still get my three prizes left though =P

  • +4

    All I wanted was a hoodie 😢

    • In the same boat, mate.
      Glad that I got a 15pc redeemed before KFC pulled the plug.
      Sad that now I have to buy food for lunch, but pleased that no more unhealthy carb/weight.

  • -1

    This just screams "we have an awfully made app which wasn't up to the task"

  • They should give a day notice and dont end abruptly like that. Even the lockdown has notice.
    Was planning to play today for the first time :(

    • +1

      The KFC servers probably would have crashed if they did that (too many people trying to find items on the last day).

  • +3

    The dream is over.

  • +2

    Wonder if they'll redevelop the app and bring it back after lockdown given that no major prizes have gone off AFAIK?
    Would also be interesting to know how much $$$ they gave away in free food

    • If they do, I'm sure they will refine it :)

      Or maybe not lol

  • +2

    i think the real reason it ended early was app was too easily exploited with fake gps and prizes were going too quickly

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