Have Applied for 300 Jobs in 3 Months. Still Unemployed

I’ve been with a few recruiting agencies. They mostly put forward my resume to bolster numbers and I now I don’t trust them nor will work with them anymore after being burned by them.

Everything from corporate, retail, hospitality. They go on about a worker shortage but it’s lies. They just don’t want to hire people - particularly the unvaccinated.

closed Comments

                              • -1

                                @Randolph Duke: You back the science? They had no idea what was going on, they made it up as they went along. I understand science is a an ever evolving understanding but they tried to cut the timeframe of the science and as such pushed a product out on the populace that they had no data on long term effects.

                                • +2

                                  @[Deactivated]: Yes, I’m sure you’ve done thorough research that trumps medical professionals who have dedicated their careers to vaccinations - “no idea what was going on, made it up”, which they then managed to fudge results and get past multiple health agencies for approval.

                                  • +1

                                    @Randolph Duke: It's called regulatory capture and it's rampant in $cience and medicine. The TGA is recommending children get the jab. They can still spread the disease and they are in the lowest risk category by far. It's money making and nothing else.

            • +3

              @lew380: Science is a methodology.

              Scientific consensus is a best guess with the available information. The broader and deeper the information is the better the guess is.

              Personally I never remember any "experts" or doctors telling me I was never going to get covid if I got a vaccine. I think it was a general assumption people made themselves.

              • @TightLikeThisx: Science is thrown out the window for $$$. Best example is remdesivir, 1 single OK study, approved for covid instantly, even though a side effect is kidney failure and death, oops. While ivermectin, extremely safe and quite effective with 60+ trials showing VERY positive results. Remdesivir is on label and is a cash cow for pharma, ivermectin is still banned world wide as a 'hate drug' or something, only used by nazis or however the TGA and FDA get away with it. You cant make up a more corrupt and vile scientific method. Scientists and medical professionals dance for money and do whatever they are told.

                • @lew380: Remdesivir is an antiviral and was only given to people at risk of dying in hospital.

                  Ivermectin an antiparasitic and was touted as being used as a prophylactic.

                  Hydroxychloroquine is a drug used to treat malaria.

                  It sounds like you have been brainwashed by social media. It’s not your fault though. The algorithms play into our biases.

            • +1

              @lew380: This is a lie. No 'experts and doctors' ever said the vaxxed wouldn't get COVID, it was always said it would help reduce infection and symptoms. If you believe otherwise, send proof.

              • @AngryMan: I can't show you proof and don't need to but I remember the ads and the communications. The vacine jab will protect you and your family and it was clear that you wouldn't get covid. Then it was , you might get covid but just not as bad. Now it's you're less likely to have serious side effects from covid. The spiel has changed every step of the way. 4 legs good, 2 legs better.

              • @AngryMan: See above link. Maybe the lie can be justified, but with shades of forced communism by corrupt elites calling the shots and the surrender of our freedoms to forced experimentation and moronic rule. Not worth it. Some doctors spoke out, but were basically labelled as traitors to their pharmaceutical masters and ostracised. We live in a corrupt world of liars.

        • In a battle of the wits, we’re stripped down and ready to go.

    • +1

      Wait, you’re not getting the kick back? Oh… sorry to hear that. Even my unvaccinated friends who agree to keep quiet get the smaller payment of $1000/fortnight. I thought everyone knew… sorry 😬

    • Found the guy who works for AZ!

  • +1

    Hey don’t lose heart and keep trying, you just have to find that one good employer that appreciates you.

    HR consultants are the car salesmen of the industry, poor skills, incompetence and the need to meet their quotas ensure they become the scum they are today.

    Asking for decent meaningful feedback from HR is like trying to get answers from a dog after they shit on your lawn……. don’t bother.

    Have you tried perhaps an online resume assistant or something to improve your CVs etc.?

    • Thanks for the encouragement. I did spend a lot of time getting my resume up to scratch. I believe it’s good for now.

      • +1

        Why do you only have 1 resume? I had about 9 versions and 15 cover letters when i was looking. Tailor to the role.

  • Surely you have other friends that are unvaccinated? Where do they work? Ask them to help you out.

    • +1

      If they are also in qboy or whatever racist group chances are they're also unemployed.

    • One is also struggling too to find work. He was only able to work from home in his last job which he hated.

      • You made your choice for a reason. Stick to your guns. Forget the corporate jobs and try looking to small businesses where you don't need to travel to other sites to work and you're not dealing with the general public. Chances are they will be looking for staff and keen to train you.

  • +3

    OP States "I am a QAnon and Proud Boy."

    I think we found the issue.

    • +1

      Yeah OP has basically suggested they will violate a common code of conduct right off the bat 🤣

    • +1

      In context, and he has said, this was not a serious comment.

  • +1

    UberEats. Work for a global company listed on the NYSE, made "Partner" from day 1. No Interview, process.

    • +1

      Uber needs a medical exemption for in unvaccinated employees.. judging by the comments of the op that I've read, it's a personal choice.

    • Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Impossible to apply properly for that many jobs. Quality over quantity. Not all companies are enforcing the vaccine anyway, some are making exemptions. I know for fact Rex airlines has hired unvaccinated workers as one example…you will have to speak to the HR departments directly and not carry on like a wingnut. If you start going on about the globalists and such, they will think twice. Companies are shifting their stance now as the majority of their workforces and people are vaccinated, and requirements to get boosters are being relaxed.

  • +1

    They just don’t want to hire people - particularly the unvaccinated.

    How would anyone even know this? You don't put that on your CV surely…

  • +16

    I don't know any workplace that would want to hire a person who gets their medical advice from Facebook. Refusing the vaccine shows the business that person would be argumentative, anti-authority and obviously has a fairly low intelligence level. Not exactly great qualities for a new hire to the work place.

    And it looks like the 300 of 300 workplaces agree.

    I would recommend you evaluate your priorities in life if you want to be a functioning member of society.

    P.S if you're afraid of mRNA vaccines why not get Novavax? its a traditional subunit protein vaccine.

    • +1

      Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said he's confident we have reached the Omicron peak.

      I don't want to speak too soon, but it looks like I’ve made it through yet another long, dark winter. Apparently I should have died 2 years ago, but here I am.

      • +21

        I don't want to speak too soon, but it looks like I’ve made it through yet another long, dark winter. Apparently I should have died 2 years ago, but here I am.

        You might be struggling to find employment because you come across as a bit stupid. Something to think about!

        • +1

          He is exactly right though. If he is unvaccinated, unhospitalised and alive he has been proven correct beyond a doubt.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Ah classic confirmation bias!

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Correct in what sense? No health authority said we were all going to die. They were saying all along that people could have covid and show no or minor symptoms.

      • +6

        That's like saying driving the wrong way into oncoming traffic and didn't die so why would I ever drive the right way ever again!

        Yes you survived. But the odds were massively stacked against you. So why not drive the right way like everyone else?

        The thing is the odds aren't even close unvaccinated people are 433% more likely to die from COVID

        Anyway its impossible to change someone's dumb opinion on the internet. I just hope that one day you're mature enough to wake up from this self-indulgent philosophy on life and be welcomed back into normal society

        • -5

          As a 30 year old male who has been going to the gym for over 10 years there were absolutely no odds stacked against me. There was never any reason to get the vaccine, I knew this and I was correct. You cannot lump everyone unvaccinated into a category, it has to be age stratified data. If you had looked at the data from UK health surveillance reports, unvaxxed 20-30 year olds were being hospitalized at a rate of 5 out of every 100k infections (during delta which was worse than omicron). If those are odds stacked against me I'll take them every single day of the week over an entirely experimental mRNA jab that wouldn't even stop me contracting or spreading the virus.

          • +10

            @[Deactivated]: Oh I apologies I didn't know that it had been announced that specially going to the gym for 10 years and being a 30 year old male was listed as mitigating risk for COVID infection.

            Any sources to back up your gym/age combo statistics?

            over an entirely experimental mRNA jab that wouldn't even stop me contracting or spreading the virus.


            Lies as always from people of your ilk

            • @caramellokoala: Who would have thought healthy people were at less risk of disease, absolutely ground breaking stuff here.

              Also when have spike proteins been introduced via mRNA tech, never. 2 years of data does not ce close to proving safety.

              • +5


                Also when have spike proteins been introduced via mRNA tech, never. 2 years of data does not ce close to proving safety.

                Spike proteins are literally how mRNA vaccines work stop embarrassing yourself.

                Moderna was doing human trials with mRNA vaccines at least as far back as 2017. Hardly 2 years.


              • +5

                @[Deactivated]: First mRNA vaccine was given to Humans in 2013.

                But also your concern shows you don't understand how mRNA vaccines work. The idea that the mRNA is going to survive for decades hiding away and then come back with a vengence is pure nonsense. Get your science from scientists, not Facebook.

                • @Aureus: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35723296/

                  He doesn't know about reverse transcription.

                  mRNA tech can be used for a multitude of things, the introduction of cytotoxic spike proteins has never been done before.

                  • +6

                    @[Deactivated]: A flawed paper that has been rightfully torn apart, where the publisher had almost their entire editorial staff resign in protest due to them publishing another very flawed and now redacted paper. Yeah I have seen that paper. Cookers love it, even if they don't understand it, or the scope of the study.

                    I can also find heaps of climate change denial published papers, but still climate change is real.

                    Science is not on your side. Stop spreading your cooker bullshit.

                    • -2

                      @Aureus: I agree in vitro studies only translate to actual humans in less than 1% of cases. My concern lies with the immune response garnered by leaky mRNA vaccines more than it lies with possible DNA alteration.

                      • +3

                        @[Deactivated]: Why do you keep trying to use science to prove your point, when science is not on your side. It is clear you are only looking for sources that confirm your anti-vax views. This link is more nonsense and I am not going to keep bothering to respond.

                        • @Aureus: You won't bother responding to that one because you can't.

                  • +2

                    @[Deactivated]: More lies.

                    What are your medical credentials again. Oh that's right you have none.

                    Why don't we check with an actual medical professional.

                    Anna Durbin, Professor of International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told Reuters via email that the spike itself is not cytotoxic.

                    “When you are vaccinated, your cells use the mRNA (or DNA from adenovirus vector) to make spike protein in your cells. Your cells “show” your immune system the spike protein and pieces of the spike protein. The spike protein does not kill those cells, it is not cytotoxic,” Durbin explained.

                    The T cells, which make up a part of the immune system, then see the spike protein and remember it so that if there is exposure to the virus later, they can recognize it and kill the infected cells, Durbin said.


                    • @caramellokoala: Reuters very reliable fact checks thankyou for enlightening me

                      • +3

                        @[Deactivated]: My pleasure.

                        I take great pride in exposing massive frauds.

                        If you want to post any other quasi-science crap that you backup with blog posts let me know and I'll tear your credibility even further to shreds.

                        • -2

                          @caramellokoala: All hail the church of science.

    • +1

      I don't know any workplace that would want to hire a person who gets their medical advice from Facebook.

      lol, nobody cares, seriously.

      We had a guy who thought he could do 'reiki' healing at my last work… he didn't get fired, nobody cared. Ok, so maybe there were a few jokes told at the pub, but really nobody cared.

      • Reiki may heal or maybe not but harmless compared to working with someone who is not vaccinated and is more likely to spread a disease that has killed millions of people.

    • -1

      Just get the novavax bro. Inject yourself with spike proteins for no reason. Who cares if you need it or not, just do it to get back to work.

    • +6

      Refusing the vaccine shows the business that person would be argumentative, anti-authority and obviously has a fairly low intelligence level

      This line really caught my attention and I 110% agree with it. I have a colleague that is exactly like that. Normally he is a good person and a good workers but when he puts on that gameface look out. He thinks he knows everything in the world from medicine, local and world history/politics to environmental issues. The reason? His online source is the truth and trusted but yours is fake news. Yup, you guessed it. He actually believed Trump had his election stolen.

  • The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent… welcome to the real black mirror…

  • Because poverty and financial destitution have zero correlation with poor health outcomes.

    The parade is over. Get the jab, get on with life and live happy.

  • +1

    Give Novak a call.

    May need someoneto tie up his shoelaces

  • +1

    Start your own business in your employment field or your hobby, it will give you valuable experience.

    • Thanks for the suggestion.

  • -1

    Don't let the blind dampen your spirit being unvaxed against all the mounting peer pressure is an achievement stand firm in what you believe in.

    • +4

      Thank you for the encouragement. I don’t see it as some kind of noble act I just want to be left alone to make my own choices.

      • +10

        You are welcome to do so, but then you need to respect the rights of businesses to make the choice to only employ vaccinated staff

        • +2

          You don't have to respect the opinion of people who are blatantly incorrect.

        • -2

          If you ever wondered what you would be like in 1940s Germany, well now you know!

    • +10

      This is like saying never brushing your teeth is an achievement because your teeth haven't fallen out in the first 30 years of your life m

      • +9

        Or never wearing a seatbelt and never having been in a collision

  • +1

    still not getting an offer after 300 applications? i'm not saying your the problem, but i don't think you can blame it on your vax status (unless businesses are actually telling you that that is why).

    It could be anything, maybe you are applying for the wrong roles? aiming too high? wrong field? who knows, could be anything.

    Maybe change up your approach? reformat/reword your CV, apply for other roles that your skillset still fits?
    Also, if you are open to remote work, don't be afraid to apply for jobs in other states. This is exactly what i did after being out of work for just over a month i applied for some roles in other states (even ones that didn't advertise that they do remote work), in my application i made mention i don't live nearby and am only applying hoping they will consider remote workers….and guess what, that worked for me.

  • Life is a stage…and we're all actors upon it. Play the part to get the part. Fake it till you make it - after that, then you can put your own clothes back on.

  • +7

    lol just get vaccinated.

    • +1

      For what medical reason at this point?

      • +1

        the medical reason of being employed, and not starving & homeless.

  • +3

    A lot of your responses here unfortunately make you a challenging hire.
    Making a joke about being in a group declared a terrorist organization in New Zealand might be a part of the issue.
    Mentioning vaccination a lot also doesn't help, even if the company doesn't have any policies about vaccination, bringing it up could create a hostile workplace.

    You'd have to make up for it in other ways, but those are hard to show during an interview process.

  • +3

    If I go for an interview with a watermelon hanging on my neck, I won't get a job in my field.

    If I wear a sombrero hat, I won't get a job in my field.

    If I don't get vaccinated, I won't get a job in my field.

    If watermelon and sombrero were part of my style and I needed a job, I wouldn't wear them so I could get a job.

    If I was an anti-vaxxer and needed a job, I would be vaccinated.

    Discrimination and blah blah blah…

    Thankfully, I don't "wear" watermelons or sombreros, and was happy to get four doses of COVID-19 vaccine. No real problem here…

    People make choices. Job seekers and employers make choices too…

  • Does it mean all vaccins will be eliminated from the earth survived by unvaccs ???
    I want pfizer out of body now ? where should I stand in line ? 1.5 meter or 1.5 cm ???

  • What I think has happened is there are a lot of people who didn’t want to have the “vax” but had to for one reason or another. Now they’ve seen that Covid hasn’t killed everyone, and in fact has a survival rate of 99.99% in one study, they feel they were lied to (spoiler: you were) and are concerned what effects the “vax” can have on them in the future. They have buyers remorse but are jealous of those of us who, whether you are a vaxxer or not, didn’t buckle to mass hysteria and had the backbone those people wish they had. Don’t be hating…

    • +1

      Spot on

    • +1

      Covid was initially 5-10x deadlier than the flu, current strain is around 3x deadlier.

      Unfortunately the vaccines aren't super effective against ba5 but it's better than nothing.

  • +38


    Maybe you would like to sit back and think through properly. A few posts related to you career in last few years.
    1. You were rejected in internal jobs. And you threatened your manager about quitting.

    John678 on 27/03/2018 - 16:22
    Last edited 27/03/2018 - 18:07 by 2 other users
    How many internal job rejections would you accept before looking elsewhere?

    Is two when I should start looking elsewhere?
    2. You posted something about your company in social media which was deemed disrespectful

    Leaving My Job before We Have to Go into Office

    John678 on 17/12/2020 - 18:23
    I’ve had a really difficult year:

    mother died of cancer. She was early 60s
    partner of 4 years broke up with me
    To cut a long story short, my work gave me a written warning because of something I posted on my social media account they thought was disrespectful.
    I had to engage a lawyer to fight for me, it was ugly.
    I took weeks off following the warning due to stress.

    I’ve checked out and cannot stand the company. I do the bare minimum. I avoid meetings.

    3. You were offered a full time job, but initially did not want to take it because you wanted casual

    John678 on 26/08/2021 - 17:33
    I applied for a casual job and during the early interview stages they said it was only casual available and I said that was fine.

    I went through two interviews and reference checks and now the offer is full time.

    Finally, you must have quit and now looking for jobs for last 3 months.

    Do think about your life choices brother. Don't wait until it is too late. Also do not over-share on social media.

    • +2


    • +2

      Great research.

    • +2

      Yeah maybe he’s just no good

    • +1

      Detective G K solved the case.

    • +2

      I had to engage a lawyer to fight for me, it was ugly

      If recruiters and potential employers do a reference check, this is very likely a massive red flag. A drop the mic moment, and they move on to the next CV.

      Surely in people's back of their mind, could this happen if I bring that person on board.

      The problem with going "nuclear" is, toxic residue remains in the systems for a very long time.

  • -4

    Wow, imagine discriminating against someone for medical reasons…. Imagine that it was a vaccine that had a marginal ~4% improvement of symptoms & didn't actually protect you (or others)…

    Come work with me in rural QLD.. heaps of unvaxxed here!

    Unvaxxed Aussies are the most based people I know.

    • +1


    • +3

      yeah you are correct by medical reason if you mean delusional paranoia

      • +1

        You mean the unvaxxed or the vaxxed with the delusional paranoia?

    • Come work with me in rural QLD.. heaps of unvaxxed here!

      What are you on about boy? 95% of QLD is double-vaxxed. Around 1/2 of QLD is urban, so even if 100% of urban QLD is vaxxed, that means at least 90% of rural QLD is vaxxed.

      • Where are you getting this data from? I spent the pandemic in Sweden where few got upset with other’s choices (COVID ended there in Feb, when it was declassifed as a public health risk). I come back to Australia in June… and suddenly everyone cares about Covid, people are getting Covid again (not significantly in Sweden since Feb, as they didn’t lock down/mask up so
        Got natural immunity earlier) and public opinion is angsty about vaccination…(why? The data is out in the efficacy? It’s not worth it?)

        Time to move on. You were duped. It hard to admit, but put your frustrations in the right place (media, government, capitalist medicine)… not on the unvaxxed.

  • +1

    Lmao the punchline cracked me up. What a ripper of a post, thanks for that.

  • +3

    As a business owner I am at the point where I simply won't take resumes from recruitment agencies. My experience is that they will promote the workers whom offer the most government subsidies to pay their own wages. This leads to people not suitable for roles being pushed forward. So I strongly suggest you do the leg work yourself.

    I require my team to be vaxxed, not for my beliefs but in my line of work customers demand it. Most jobs promote it in advertising now.

    Strongly disagree, jobs are going everywhere but businesses need to be careful with public opinion.

    Good luck!

    • +1

      It's an ohs issue, if you cannot protect your staff.

  • +4

    You made disparaging comments about your former employer on LinkedIn whilst you were still employed by them and a colleague found it and reported it which led to you leaving that employer to 'pursue personal goals'.

    And you're wondering why you haven't landed another job after a significant number of applications in a 'job seekers' market?

  • +1

    Employers have to protect their employees, customers and reputation first and foremost and the risk of hiring unvaccinated employees is a very big one.

    This could be why you're facing this issue.

    You made your choices I guess, but from an employers perspective, you're a massive walking liability so red flags are going to pop up.

    I can tell you that it's an employees market right now and employers currently don't only need to pay over and above the going rate but really have to offer perks and work / life balance if they want to attract any decent talent.

    • +3

      You make a really good point about WHS. Employers are required to mitigate risk using some kind of reasonably practicable control measure(s). Vaccines are obviously an easy and accepted way of managing this in most cases, and the alternative would be social distancing, wearing masks, or frequent sanitisation - which are obviously not ideal.

      Its interesting that there is no official statement about this. If an unvaccinated person is a legitimate risk to others becoming infected, and other controls are not implemented, then it would stand to reason that the business could be fined for a violation.

      I wonder how this would effect WorkCover claims, if the claimant could report work incapacity secondary to long COVID (fatigue, brain fog, etc), and suggest that they became infected at work due to uncontrolled exposure to an unvaccinated coworker. A person so inclined could potentially claim whole body impairment and seek a payout, or even just be off work for a long time, given we have no stats related to how long long COVID would typically last.

      • +2

        You're spot on.

        As far as I know, this is still untested in courts, but I can assure you that if a client or employee got covid complications and the business made no effort to mitigate the risk, it may end up a costly issue.

        We, as a business, won't even visit unvaccinated clients. All their meetings must be over zoom.

  • +2

    Maybe start your own business? I know I know… easier said than done…. but do you have any skills that can make you money or you willing to learn a skill that you can start your own business?

    Go apply for Amazon Flex, when I signed up last year, there were no vaccination questions. It was literally, apply, take a test and boom approved.

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