• expired

[PC] Games for Gaza - 256 Games for US$10 @ Itch.io


A bundle hosted by Oak Grove Games by Esther Wallace with content from 140 creators.

In response to the ongoing crisis in Gaza and occupied Palestine, we're creating this bundle to raise funds for the organization Medical Aid For Palestinians. All funds raised will go to the organization.

From the organization's website: "MAP's vision is a future where all Palestinians can access an effective, sustainable and locally-led system of healthcare, and the full realisation of their rights to health and dignity.

Through our programmes in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Lebanon, we work with trusted and experienced local partners to achieve this vision. Our programmes, designed and delivered by Palestinians, provide access to essential health services and build local knowledge and skills to address Palestinian health problems. In times of humanitarian emergency, we are ready to respond rapidly with aid and assistance.

MAP is also committed to bearing witness to the injustices caused by occupation, displacement and conflict. We speak out in the UK and internationally, and ensure Palestinian voices are heard at the highest levels, to press for the political and social barriers to Palestinian health and dignity to be addressed." This bundle will run for two weeks, from October 26th-November 9th, 2023.

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closed Comments

                    • @SolidlyIrresponsible: Well that's on you if you have a comprehension problem, and YES I don't trust an organization where a resolution can be vetoed by the US regardless of how unjust it is.

                      • @subwoofer: Given that we reached the point of taking it personal, I'm going to disengage. I suggest you try working on that rhetoric a bit more.

            • @SolidlyIrresponsible: Ahhh….so the UN sponsored by the US accepted britain's balfour declaration to steal palestinian land and give it to a third party….. jews.

              So there are now 2 states in palestine? I wonder why one of those "states" isn't recognised and accepted as a sovereign state by the same UN that "created" it. Should palestinians be grateful that the UN voted to allow palestinians "non member observer status" to the UN in…2010? despite US, Canada, and a few chickenshit countries (a total of 9) voting against giving palestine such a lofty status?

              Irresponsible half facts indeed!

              • @rooster7777:

                I wonder why one of those "states" isn't recognised and accepted as a sovereign state by the same UN that "created" it.

                Because the Arabs declined and went to war and lost…

                I know it is hard to accept that actions have consequences but this is how it goes.

    • Or take out israel…. if your fundamental goal is to protect civilians, especially children….

  • +3

    waiting for the Hamas Bundle

  • +11

    Amount of misinformation and hate, brainwashing so many of you to believe 'Israel' isn't inherently the instigator and the oppressor is quite upsetting. Every humanitarian organisation & reputable NGO, to a differing extent agrees this is infact a genocide / ethnic clensing. But no- Murdoch Media & Zionist funded and controlled medias must be correct. Hypocrisy as well to believe every western media is telling the truth and every humanitarian organisation is lying.

    • +5

      I agree that media has inherent bias to push their own agendas. But it's a two way thing. Your claim that one side is biased, but the opposing argument is factual and correct, is simply wrong. I hope that both sides can atleast agree that Hamas' must be destroyed, regardless of their views on Israel or Palestine.

      • +4

        Because every humanitarian org agrees its an ethic clensing and it has substantial proof to back that claim from research papers, UN resolutions, humanitarian reports, on the ground first hand reports. Hamas is more of a mindset than an org. When your family is slaughtered in front on you there will very definately be those who take revenge (which i completely agree is still disgusting and horrible)

        • +1

          Humanitarian organisations aren't the epitome of factual evidence. Especially the UN. Whilst I'm sure they do some good work, there is likely a significant gravy train between what we see and delivering positive change on the ground. As such, they too will likely be pushing an agenda for their own benefit. You are free to have your opinion on these matters, but don't use media bias as evidence of why your POV is more valid than someone else's. Get better evidence.

          • +4

            @niknikniknik: if every humanitarian organisation (yes every single credible one INCLUDING ISRAELS OWN) as well as on ground media reports which have exposed the truth isnt enough for you god help us. Also i doubt humanitarian workers such as Amnesty International, the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, OHCHR and more all have a agenda

          • @niknikniknik: Get better evidence…. that's tragically comic.
            We should believe the legacy of menachem begin instead?
            There is nothing like the blind lecturing others from their hearts.

            • +2

              @rooster7777: If you separated yourself from your emotions on the matter perhaps you'd get the message. Believe whatever you want to believe, whichever side you stand on, but don't claim that the 'alternate information source' (which is likely a link you found on Facebook) is any more accurate or less biased than any Western/Murdoch media that some love to harp on about.

      • +2

        When was the last time a Palestinian was invited to tell their side of the story in western media? never ! the propaganda is given fully the isreali side.

  • +13

    These are terrible games that I can't imagine anyone would play.
    Waste of ~$18 IMHO.
    Reminds me of those 256-in-1 knockoff game cartridges that weren't even worth the media they were copied on.

    Furthermore, we should not be supporting a state which has openly said they want to eliminate all jews, that is their goal going forward. You'd have to be pretty twisted to want to support a leadership who is quite open about it.

  • +1

    Wow there are actually ghouls downvoting this. Disgusting.

    • +9

      Just because someone doesn't agree with your view doesn't make them ghouls. Dehumanization is what's fueling this conflict, no need to add to the fire.

    • -1

      Let me guess… You wore your mask, installed and used the check-in app, obediently took your experimental drain cleaner, support BLM kneeling, put Ukraine flags on your car… Yeah, the disgusting ghouls are the ones finally striking back to control terrorists, and software devs funding them aren't. Do wake up to yourself.

      • +11

        Let me guess… you were one of the guys that said "what's wrong with Scomo taking over all the portfolios in private?".

        This is the wrong political debate, it's not the fake left v right crap Murdoch and co have been feeding the world for the last 20-30 years, because it's easier to stoke the flames of tribalism than do real work. Shockingly not everything has anything to do with how you vote and how any decision from the "other side" is a lack of common sense.

        • Don't much care if it was Morrisson in those rolls, someone else from Liberal, or someone else from Labor for that matter. Are you really such a checkers player that you think Liberal/Labor parties DON'T tell their figurehead what to do anyway? You seem to forget all it takes is one vote behind closed doors to switch one for another, so all the gullible people in Australia who keep voting for these two bags of maggot-infested puss think "Now things will change." Labor are the "New Greens" and Liberal is "Labor Lite", they're all as bad as each other, it just takes Liberal a few years longer to drag us into the leftist mind latrine.

      • +1

        This is a prime example of what happens when you don't get a basic education.

        • That's a rather harsh view to take of yourself. There is therapy for clinical depression.

      • This post makes an interesting subject for analysis….

        "experimental drain cleaner" indicates a strong anti trump/ anti american far right outlook
        "support BLM kneeling" suggests a strong disdain for any victims/ anti "left" outlook
        "put ukraine flags on your car" suggests an strongly isolationist outlook, and or love for mother russia regardless of morality….. either far right or far left, but not middle thinking
        "striking back to control terrorists" suggests a strong support for authoritarian government

        It's pretty hard to round up this herd of mad cat contradictory values, to find consistent rational thought.
        Now THAT sort of thinking would be hard to "wake up to yourself" with.

        • More horseshit. Let's "anal-eyes" your first point. Trump was PRO VACCINE. I realise it can be scary breaking free of leftist mind control, and so that's why so many can't bear to venture outside their little bubbles, but every time Trump crowed about coNvid vaccines, his audience BOOED HIM.

          The rest of your nonsense is just more of the same. Another one led by the ring in their nose carefully put there by the lying lamestream media on every point. Thank goodness the recent vote proved such people are in the minority.

  • +11

    I'm sorry OP but I will never donate to terrorism, especially when there is no way to ensure these don't go to Hamas.

    As sad as it sounds, these people also elected Hamas

    • Palestine from the land to the sea. Hamas was created by isreal which is a grotesque genocidal entity

      • +1

        You speak as if you were in the room when it happened.😂

        • In this and other posts you speak as if you are rip van winkle, stepping into the world as an innocent adult with no knowledge of history.

          However, such would only be a dream…. if you are old enough to type, you are old enough to read a bit of history, instead of making silly comments which reflect an ignorance of how israel came into being.

          • +2

            @rooster7777: I will start by saying I'm not affiliated to either religion. Judaism has its geographical roots in Israel of today. Islam has its roots in Mecca of today. Judaism is an older religion than Islam, and Israel is the only modern Jewish country. By this standard, Israel was inhabitated by Jewish people before Islam existed, and had the opportunity to spread across the region. Modern day Israel was founded in 1948, yes, but the 'true inhabitants/owners' (which I'm guessing you're alluding to this being Palestinians in the region) is subject to how far back in time you choose to go. You're no less ignorant than anyone else.

            • +1

              @niknikniknik: Well…. if you think ownership of something for the last 100 years, or 500 years…. is no more valid than something owned 10,000 years ago…. I'd like to introduce you to some people that wish to evict you, and turn you into a refugee with very limited rights.

              Judaism doesn't have its roots in israel. The religion may have commenced in the geographical area that israel now occupies, but israel the state is a creation of what…. 1948?

              One can make cases for and against legitimate ownership of land (on a national basis) in many regions of the world today…. eg if one's ancestors invaded a country 500 years ago, how do their rights of ownership stack up against if one's ancestors' lands were taken by force 500 years ago. Morally that can get complicated.

              However, the belief that one has legitimate ownership of land because (my) god gave it to me 10,000 years ago…. overcoming someone's rights to the land whose ancestors have been on that land for say…. 1000 years… is very different.

              You may believe both examples are the same…. if you do, I suggest you are ignorant of semi modern and modern law and morality.

              You say you're not affiliated with either religion, which implies to me that you "are affiliated" with some other religion. To my logic, then if you follow some other religion, it makes no sense at all to believe in your particular god, but also give credence to other gods…. unless you believe in some sort of pluralistic system of gods. Are you a viking?

              I guess it may logically leave open the possibility that you are a (I think) southern baptist…. who believes that while their god is the only true god, that the impostor in israel must return to earth before the true baptist god can do their shit…. or some such nonsense.

              Dunno… what are your religious beliefs?
              Me…. I was raised a catholic, but once that indoctrination wore off and I became capable of cogent independent thought, the whole religion pack of cards toppled.

              • +1

                @rooster7777: Again you demonstrate your emotion and assumptions which cloud your judgement. I am infact a staunch atheist, not a fan of religion at all, but respect people's rights to practice them in their own space. I also think the 'ownership timeline' you referenced is very important. Thus, Israel, the sovereign nation recognised in 2023 is my definition of the true current owner of modern day Israeli land. In 2023, what happened in 1948 is no more important than what happened at the dawn of Judaism when it comes to recognising the owner of the land. Hamas attacking Israeli land in 2023 is an act of war on Israel.

  • +1

    Feels like the Whirlpool forums….

    • +1

      The Venn diagram of users overlap very heavily to be fair.

  • +16

    Is there a game called "irony" in the game listing where one side who suffered internment and genocide then goes on to inexplicably visit the same fate on another group of people for 75 years while the west sits by and props up the carnage because they (the USA and UK) didnt want Jewish refugees after WWII, and so Israel uses their casual historic state level anti-semitism and holds it over their heads to get away with wholesale slaughter?

    • +4

      Go away with your logic :p

      • +3

        Some DO find logic troubling :)

    • +7

      So many ignorant, inaccurate comments… if only I had more neg votes to hand out.

      • ive got some spare, just gifted you one….feel special

  • +1

    Not a single penny to those cowards from Hamas, the Israeli army will kill each and every single one of them

  • +3

    No deal. 256 games? Should be 1400.

  • +6

    "Occupied" my arse.

    • +1


      • Goatse vibes

    • ok give the phone to your parents now

  • +7

    "We whine loudly in the UK and internationally, stamp our feet like ill-tempered toddlers and demand Palestinian lies are believed at the highest levels, to press for the political and social barriers to Palestinian health (which Israel already provides us for free) and dignity (which Hamas takes away from all Palestinians) to be addressed." This whinge-fest and amplification of propaganda will run for two weeks, from October 26th-November 9th, 2023. Because just like the NPCs in our games, we support the latest thing."

  • +1

    Both sides are evil!

  • +6

    As far as the deal goes, these games are not a bargain at $10 USD.

    • +2

      I skimmed but I haven't recognised a single game title or even cover artwork

  • +4

    Wowsers. There's more nuts in here than that recent macadamia deal!

  • +3

    Nah. Better to donate that $10 to sportsbet. 🤝

  • +4

    Taking bets on what time this deal is closed lol.

  • +3

    Hiding in schools and hospitals like rats these so called "freedom fighters" why don't you come out of your hideout you (profanity) cowards if I could I join the Israeli army and send as many freedom fighters as I can to hell to get 72 bbcs

    • +6

      Another day, another ignorant post.

    • +1

      With such a childish naive outlook, you belong in israel as a fervent soldier of might and right. I just hope they give you rocks to throw, rather than a gun.

  • +3

    Lmao, the person running the show is a guy going by SHE/ZHE

  • +11

    The only people in the world that constantly rely on charity and aid for the last 75 years. Not surprising, as when they immigrate they do the same in the host country. And that's the sad truth folks

    • +1

      True. And the hosts all work so hard for the community and don’t at all take advantage of government aid. Now I see clearly, the junkies of communities are actually the biggest contributors to the economy.

      • If it's the people of the country, it seems like that is acceptable. Double standards…

    • +1

      You should make it clear that you are talking about israel and jews…. because many folks have little or no knowledge of history or international politics.
      Makes the mormons and jehovahs and the like that doorknock on weekends welcomely benign.

      remember and contemplate the horror of the holocaust of WW2.
      learn and contemplate the horror of jews' actions to create the state of israel…. and the subsequent horrors israel perpetrates in the middle east

    • +2

      You realise Palestinians living in Gaza can't even venture out more than 12 nautical miles into the sea without getting killed? It's not called the world's largest open air prison for no reason.

      • -1

        More horseshit. There's thousands of them in various western nations. Did Scotty come back to life, do a fly-by and beam them out?

  • +8

    Games are terrible and enough supporting of this religous nonsense regardless of the side..

  • +3

    Hopefully Hamas gets wiped out soon so they cannot redistribute the aid and it all goes to actual civilians.

      • +1

        Shame on you. That is not at all what i said.

        • +3

          Let's hope the genocidal IDF gets wiped :)

    • if Hamas gets wiped out then isnotreal will have no pretext to satisfy its children and babies blood lust.

  • +11

    If it was the other way round and 2.3 million Israeli’s were being starved to death with no services whatsoever then I can guarantee it would lead to nuclear war. The double standard in this situation make me sick. All that lobbying to politicians around the world sure did the trick.
    Say you’re against the genocide happening you’re labeled an anti semite. Vote no on the voice you’re labelled a racist.

    • +5

      That's "US lead rule based order" mate. working as intended. Hypocrisy, double standard and a pinch of love for Chinese Muslims. Gotta love those rules.

    • -1

      It's war that they started. Tough.

      • +1

        That israel started? Well technically not accurate… it's a war that the jewish invasion of palestine caused…. israel the state came after the invasion.

      • +2

        For some history only started after October 7

  • +2

    Ahhh foreign stupid sky wizard stuff, skub vs anti skub

    Just what we need in Australia / OzBargain.

  • +8

    8000 dead, 3000 children.. who’s counting right? Poor Israeli hostages and stupid human shields keep dying. Nice Australia, nice to know supporters of KKK and natzi regime live on. Have a heart u fools and stop trying to justify the murder of children. Israeli are clearly the greater threat to humanity, to be able to murder so many children and still be perceived by some people as the “good guy”, yall are brain washed sheep or just pure evil. Reality the world and majority of the world are supporting Palestine and I feel sorry for the real Jews that have to live with the guilt and fear of knowning that the whole word knows the truth and continues to see everyday on TikTok and social media the treacherous war crimes of Israelis.

    • +11

      You really think that if Hamas had the technical capability of Israel, that Israel would even exist? Even a country which did not have the missile defence system like Israel would be in ruins with large loss of life and property. Like it or not, might is still right and thats how Israel survives.

      • +3

        Yeh in theory probably but let’s keep our focus on what is actually happening vs what would’ve. If I won a million dollars I would travel the world :) Israel are terrorist child killers that’s the world we live in.

        • +5

          Thats not theory. Israel is doing what is necessary.

          • +2

            @dealsucker: Same goes for the other side

          • +4

            @dealsucker: 3000 children killed is necessary. If ur child comes home from an ass whooping will you tell them that was necessary to? We need more humans like you.

          • +2

            @dealsucker: Ur a terrorist genocide supporter. Walk with pride.

      • +2

        I wonder if ur theory was true and israel was in Palestine shoes. That would mean that then u would say Palestine would be in the right? Or u got double standards? And really are just a racist fascist. Keep hiding in ur hole, I heard KKK are recruiting.

        • +1

          For someone who can't even write properly, you're stretching your intelllectual abilities one (or more) bridge too far, when you use words like double standards, racist facist…..and KKK recruiting.

      • +1

        isreal is a temporary entity, we'll never let the Palestinians become the next native indians. isreal wants to drive them to extinction, if they succeed, then who knows whose next? Lebanon? Syria? Egypt? Turkey? Iraq? NEVER

      • Hamas stated charter is to get back the land invaded by Isreal in 1967 that is West bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. if you ask me I'd say Palestine from the river to the sea, isrealis are invaders and colonisors

    • +1

      The ignorance on display in your post is quite disturbing. I can't believe people actually believe such things.

  • +6

    Considering Hamss control in direct violation of the Geneva Convention and MSF on the news yesterday saying they cannot control their supplies, then absolutely not.

    • Don't be too hard on Hamas they were manufactured by isreal.

  • +12

    The creator of this pack looks exactly how I would expect. The “she/zhe” with a touch of “disabled, queer, genderfluid, synesthete” style in the bio. I’d rather find genuine charities to support instead of these pretend justice warriors.

    • +1


    • +2

      To add insult to injury, "MAP" is an acronym for a pedophile. Maybe unintentional but its just another layer. Not sure if this whole post is a troll haha. Garry the goat simulator should be in there too, just to cap it off.

      • I'm mind boggled by the level of value you brought to this discussion. Do you achieve such a result often?

        • Apart from being mind boggled, what did you bring? I brought up an interesting connection, building on a previous comment.

          • @lew380: I brought quite a lot of relevant information about the topic…. click on my name to read it.
            Your "interesting comment" was a puerile literal link.

            • @rooster7777: Fair enough. Im too busy to look up puerile, just working at my not for profit, "Helpful Innovations & Technology Learning enterprise resources" we work with underprivileged children and supply technological solutions to them, working for HITLER always makes me smile.

              • @lew380: puerile- boyish… from latin puer for boy, if I remember correctly.

                Good work and luck with the non profit mob. Sometimes people creating acronyms suffer tunnel vision with unfortunate results!
                An unfortunate infamous one was GMH's SIDS model commodore, at a time when sudden infant death was in the media a lot.

                I'm guessing that you'd rather history took the alternative path in the 1876… when in order to obtain a death benefit from his dead stepfather, Alois (hitler's father) changed his surname at the age of 39 from his previous surname (his mother's maiden name).
                If this change of name hadn't occured, young adolph would have been born adolf schicklegruber.

                Wouldn't have been such great theater, clicking the heels and saluting while yelling "Heil Schicklegruber!"

                • @rooster7777: Cheers, i read a lot but that word alluded me. I agree, tunnell vision and not all people care about all these subtle acronyms but its interesting to those who are aware. I guess with chat GPT, no one has an excuse, can check every acronym assuming it doesn't go against chat gpt's agenda.

      • Hamas prefer real goats. Or any livestock really.

  • +15

    So why do Gaza's friends - Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE not open their borders, take in refugees, supply aid, invest in Gaza etc?

    The answer is simple, they don't want to have anything to do with them either and don't want radical Hamas in their country themselves.

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