nettiee11 » posts


Surfshark or Nord VPN? I Can't Decide

Hi all. I want to buy a VPN but l can't decide between surfshark and Nord. Any advice and experiences would be appreciated. Thank you in advance

Hisense TV Not Working with Chromecast

Hi everyone. I just bought a hisense HDTV HL66V88 for $40 from op shop. The remote doesn't work but the problem is l plugged in a chromecast and the picture is snowy and unclear and there is no …

NBN or Wireless internet

Hello there, I just moved into a place and l have no idea on what internet to get. I am clueless about this stuff. It is a unit and there is an NBN box outside and in the lounge room there is a …

Strong indoor digital TV antenna

Hello. I have been given an old AWA digital TV as l moved and didn't have one. The place l have moved to does not have a TV antenna on the roof. My indoor antenna is for digital TV but …

Reconditioned Lenovo- either of these worth it?

Hi again, it is the poor uni student again. I found these two laptops and l am looking for some advice on whether they are a good deal or not? es this one sound good for $399? From Manly computers …

Poor Uni Student Needs to Update 9yr Old Laptop (Budget $500 to $700)

Hello there, I am a poor uni student who has been using a 9yr old laptop because I did not want to buy a new one. However, it has got soooo slow, it is driving me crazy so I have to update. I need a …

Turning a TV into a smart TV

I need some advice please as I am a tech novice. Catch of the Day are selling this ProHT 4K Smart Android TV Box - Black for $69.99. Is it worth the price and does it sound good to you guys? …

which tablet is better Samsung tab 3 or nexus7 ?

Hi all, Can someone please explain to me why the nexus 7 tablet is better than the samsung galaxy tab 7'? Thank you in advance. Regards, Nettie

Should I buy a new one?

Hi everyone. I need to replace my keyboard on my HP laptop. I an not sure whether I should do that or just buy a new laptop. I brought it in 2010 and I like windows 7. But if it will cost a lot to …

Help wth malfunctonng laptop.

H all

What does grey import actually mean?

Hi All, Probably a stupid question but what is the actual operational difference between Aus stock and grey import phones? Say for a Samsung S3 do grey imports have different menus or something?

Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3?

Hi all, I live in Vic am looking for a screen protector for my Samsung s3. I have ordered a few different ones from ebay but they are all too short.

Android phone that will work in rural Thailand

Hello there,

Camcorder for travel under $500

Hello there. I am looking for a good travel camcorder for under $500. I will be recording in all lights and both people and landscapes.

The Langham Hotel Melbourne deals?

Hi all,

Cheap (real) qwerty keyboard mobile phone for travelling

Hi All, I am going OS in November & I want to buy a cheap phone with a real qwerty keyboard for lots of texting!