This was posted 11 years 1 month 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Sample: Reflex Pure White 50% Recycled Paper


Got this from some junk mail:

Be one of the first 5000 to sign up at (<- This link does not work BTW, try the link that I've supplied)

and receive a FREE SAMPLE of Pure Enwhitenment.

4955 samples left at time of writing.

NOTE: This is not a top-notch website so expect it to be slow and input field labels may not show up properly.
Try refreshing the page a few times and it should work. Chrome browser renders this page better.

Related Stores

Reflex Paper
Reflex Paper

closed Comments

  • 4944 left now Thanks op!

    • +1

      omg thank you once again for making my life better ozbargain.

      Tonight I come home to FREE PAPER OMGASH

  • Thanks for posting… Hopefully I'll get some enwhitenment :P

  • Be quick. There's only 4953 samples left.

    thanks OP

  • +11

    inb4 I get 1 sheet of paper in my mailbox.

    • +1


      • *A8 sized

    • me2. so i think the sample is same as the mailbox one.

  • Form worked fine with Chrome - thanks, OP.

  • Thanks OP this deal seems alwight

  • It'd odd that there's no Suburb field.

    • put it on address line 1

  • 4779 left. Thanks to OP :)

  • Nothing happens when I click submit.

    • ring tech support

      • have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • 4599 left. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Is it one per household?

    Do it 500 times get one whole realm!

  • Thanks OP. 4500 left.

  • 4510 left. Thanks OP!

  • +4

    Not to be 'that guy' but don't Reflex source their paper from logging contractors that cut down Australian old growth/native forests rather than plantations?

  • How much do they give per sample?

    • +2

      Im expecting 10 sheets…..

  • "Thank you. Your sample will"

    Will…? Or is that meant to be guru-speak?

  • 4262 left. THX! :D

  • Cheers OP :) 3990 left

  • 3903~ left thanks op

  • +1

    thanks for the post, although i feel somewhat conflicted getting a free sample of recycled paper POSTED in additional paper envelopes…

  • Depleting fast! 3834 left.

  • gogo auspost parcel locket

    • That's enough, Jim.

  • thnx OP

  • Thanks OP. 3652 left

  • Is this a ream they send us or a mini pack of 50 odd pages?

    I guess I have to do mine again coz my autofill didn't put in a suburb and I hit send before realising.

  • it says "Thank you. Your sample will" for me. is that right or has my browser broken something?

    edit: nvm, after looking at the source code it says "Thank you. Your sample will arrive shortly." but some of it is cut off

  • Thanks 3490 left.

    And mine originally said "Thank you. You sample will - but then it said will arrive shortly" just had to wait for it to load.

  • thanks op!

  • 3465

  • +8

    I tried to avoid taking up this deal, but it was a reflex action and I couldn't help it.

    (get it? I put the word "reflex" in the sentence. I even bolded it to make it so you could see the highlighted word that I was trying to emphasise. In my joke that I did.)

    • +25

      Your paper joke was sheet

      • Shmahoo, you can learn from this one^^^

        • +15

          Geez - I feel like I am being reamed !

        • You forgot to bold that one. Btw I think the user who upvoted your jokes says it all…'lousy'

    • I'm sure 80% of the OzB community would have understood even without the bold emphasis.

      • +1

        Unfortunately I am part of that 20%

  • 3435!

  • Thank You. Your sample will…..

    Will what?!

    • -1

      Never you mind… Probably just take over your life, get you fired from you job, sleep with your wife and you'll end up sleeping in the gutter covered only by 50 staples together recycled sheets of paper.

  • If your internet speed is low enough but still can connect (at least mine is), there are two words under the image which is "arrive shortly. "

    This can make sense about the You sample will…….

    3035 left

  • 3060! Quick!

  • Thanks, got 1 (3085 remaining)

    • +1

      Not yet. When it arrives, then you've got one.

      Maybe its just me but most of the freebies i sign up for via OZB never end up arriving.

  • Thanks for posting - only 2709 samples left

  • Anyone watched the video, funniest video ever lol.

  • Now this is a White Paper Policy I would vote for

  • Thanks for posting! 2362 samples left!

  • Thanks OP. Just got me one.

    2269 left.

  • 1974

  • 1880

  • 1795

  • 1788, it's going like hotcakes now!

  • Great bargain, thank you OP. 1803 remaining. Maybe less by the time I finish typing!

  • 1744 - nice deal

  • 1637 samples left

  • Thanks - 1613 left

  • Be quick. There's only 1525 samples left.


  • 1400 remaining

  • Statistics stat that by 12am all stock will be SOLD OUT, so hurry!

  • 1278 left.

    Thanks OP!

  • Thanks for posting

  • Thanks OP! 993 left. Hurry before it is too late!

  • 980 left….

  • 967 left…

  • Going VERY fast. Thanks to OP. 892 left

  • 4500 clicks and only 231 up votes. Too many passengers on OzB!

    UPVOTE bargains people! It helps spread the bargain goodness and recognises the contribution of the original uploader.

    • +2

      Wouldn't more up-votes attract more passengers, like myself?

      • +1

        Hopefully you could be persuaded to vote if you:

        a) clicked through and took advantage of the bargain; or
        b) despite not taking advantage of the bargain, vote because you think it represents value.

        My only point is that OzB is a community that relies on the contributions of its members. Positives, negatives and comments are all helpful.

        Who here hasn't been able to save some money or avoid crap/fishpond on the basis of what was written here? Where it would not have otherwise been possible if someone hadn't taken the time to post it, or neg it or comment.

    • Then why didn't you upvote it?

      • +1

        Blasted iPhone is why! Fixed.

  • 867 left. Wow they are going quick

  • Thankyou OP. Thankyou for all your funny remarks too people!

  • Just signed, thanks! 770 left

  • +1
    $ curl -s | \
        grep 'sampleCounter' | \
        sed "s/^.*value='//; s/'.*$//"

    I have been doing this every couple of minutes and at the current rate, everything will be gone by 11PM AEST.

    • I miss UNIX scripting…

  • 670 left

  • Only 622 left, not long now till they're all gone lol

  • 499!

  • Thanks OP!
    480 left!

  • Thanks Ozbargain, 470 Left

    • 246 left

  • <200 left! Thanks op

  • 193

  • 185 now

  • 150

  • 25

  • 36, they might honour some extras past the 5k mark, doesn't hurt to try.

  • 15

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