• expired

Bonus Everyday Rewards Points on Apple Gift Cards: $30 = 900, $50 = 1500, $100 = 3000, $200 = 6000 @ Woolworths


My local Woolworths put up advertisements for this deal starting this Wednesday.

Offer available on all denominations of Apple Gift Cards excluding $20 Apple Gift Cards from 18/8/21 to 24/8/21. Limit of 10 per transaction applies.

Here's what you get for each denomination:

As a reminder, 2,000 Everyday Rewards points converts to $10 off a future shop or 1,000 Qantas Points.

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closed Comments

        • +1

          If you are going through the Sunsuper portal, it is egiftcards.

          If you are going through the alternative portal, it is shopper.

          More information on the Redeem Your Gift Card portal can be found on this page.

  • I am curious….Given that the 15% off ITunes (now Apple) gift cards occur a couple of times a year, why the rush to get them? Is everyone on here going to buy an Apple Product in the next 2 to 3 months? Are people thinking the 15% off offers may not occur anymore?

    • +1

      Problem is after the switch for also buying products the 15% off has gone. It hasn’t happened since may, while before it would happen every month

    • There's no recent discounts of iTune cards since the change to the Apple branded GC
      But I guess there will be more of such discount to come
      IMO will buy some now but wait for discount from Costco to stock more (usually >15% discount)

    • +6

      The Apple gift cards just got released in July 2021 and this is the first ever deal.

      The iTunes card before were only applicable for app store and iTunes purchases, not physical hardware.

      Considering Apple rarely discounts their own products in their stores in the first few months of a product release, this is a good deal.

      It is unlikely that these new cards will go on sale at 15% off like before regularly. Maybe more bonus points rewards.

      • Good explanation of why people are going crazy .

      • +1

        I agree with you. I think the best would be bonus points. If you are a student you can buy from education store too. Have all your money loaded on account and buy at heavily discounted (for Mac and iPads would be approx 20-25% off a brand new product directly from Apple)

    • +1

      It’s also because there’s technically no limit on the number of gift cards you can buy as part of this promotion (and consequently there is no limit on the number of bonus points you can earn).

      If/when Coles joins in the fun later and offers bonus Flybuys points on Apple gift cards, there will be a maximum of 1, 5 or 10 gift cards that can earn bonus points (because they enforce hard limits on bonus points offers on their gift card deals), so the Woolworths deal is definitely more appealing if you need a large amount in gift cards to pay for the more expensive items at Apple.

  • I purchased $1200 today and the points came up straight away. Because it was over $1000 they had to get someone to check I wasn't being scammed (i.e., using it to pay the ATO). But they were amazed at the amount of points back!

  • -5

    Is buying gift cards or bargaining ‘essential’? To me, a big no!

    • +1

      I've ran out of milk!

      • Honey…wtf did u do in the toilet ?

        Why is the bowl kinda white?? 🧐

  • -4

    10x$200 at alexandria woolies

    I took them all

    • +1

      Why u getting negged…

      I would have done the same when I need it.
      You snooze you loose. Neggers are salty in this case.

  • +2

    I’d want more lower denomination cards for the free stickers. Why isn’t anyone mentioning the free stickers!?!? Deal of the century.

    • I looked up the price Bud and I can assure you its a waste of time .

    • I hope they are made out of recyclable materials. They sure look good though!

  • Can anyone verify if the $20-$500 cards gives the same proportion of reward points?

    The store assistant loading the cards told me she is not 100% sure the variable cards will get the points. Based on her past experience the variable cards have never been included in past 15% off sales.

    • +2

      Yes the terms and conditions say variable load card gives reward points = 30 x value of card.

      I got 3x$500 cards and bonus points = 45,000 points.

      • How does one get the variable load cards? Could not find them.

        • Depends on the store. Mine had like 10 when I went this morning.

          • @zzzman: went to both my local stores and neither of them had any variables or 200's left.. they got ozB'ed at 7AM.. I had to get 20x $100 GC's

    • Yes. I believe above post already mentioned you get the points regardless of what value you load in. It's x30 of the dollar value loaded.

      But must scan your rewards card first obviously

    • +1

      Yes. It’s also mentioned in their catalogue. Not sure about past sales but this promotion definitely includes the variable gift cards except for a few Metro stores I believe.

    • +1

      FYI, the staff member is correct in saying that previous iTunes gift card sales excluded the variable load gift cards.

    • Not at my local Woolworths, probably because it is a metro store.
      Only the fixed value gift card can earn points

      • Perth CBD Enex worked OK.

        • The Woolworths website lists it as a regular store, not a Metro store.

      • I believe if it’s a “Metro” store, the store itself actually says Metro on the sign outside. So some CBD stores are still eligible.

      • +1

        Metro stores should be included.

        Catalogue T&Cs state the following:

        Offer available from 18/8/21 to 24/8/21 on all denominations of Apple Gift Cards pictured, excluding $20 Apple Gift Card in Woolworths supermarkets, Woolworths Metro and Woolworths MetroGo only, while stocks last. Excludes Woolworths Online and Ampol Woolworths Metro. Standard points will not be earned on amount spent on gift cards, but the relevant number of bonus points which you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. Limit of 10 per transaction applies. TM and © 2021 Apple Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. $30 = 900 Bonus Points and Variable Load = 30x Bonus Points.

        • Don't know why even they didn't put the promotion sticker on the shelves. Also, the price of the other items is higher than the normal Woolies store.

    • Yes - I purchased 2 x $500 cards and saw the points on screen.

  • Went to Perth CBD enex this morning and couldn’t find any $200 cards. Empty hangars imply they have been purchased or hidden. There were a few variable load cards left at least. Went to a serviced checkout and was made to do $1000 transactions but the bonus points showed up on screen.

    • +1

      Now Enex has plenty of variable cards as well as fixed value cards up to $200. Purchase is very smooth, bonus points showed up instantly

  • +6

    BEWARE Apple account can only allow you to pre-load gift cards up to a total of $5000

    • Apple store only allows you to use up to 8 cards
      Apple online store only allows you to pre-load up to $4999.99

      So how do I purchase my Mac Pro in one go by using gift cards ?

      • +5

        So how do I purchase my Mac Pro in one go by using gift cards ?

        You cannot.

        You can use redeem eight gift cards and then use your Apple Account balance in a single transaction before you have to pay a debit/credit card to pay for the remainder.

        So in theory, you can redeem up to $9000 in gift cards ($500 gift card x 8, then up to $5000 in your Apple Account balance) before you have to pay for any difference with a debit/credit card.

        Considering a Mac Pro starts at more than $9000, you cannot completely pay for a Mac Pro by only redeeming gift cards.


    • And repeat .

  • Can you purchase gift cards with Woolworths dollars?

    • No, that loophole was closed a few months ago.

      • +1
        • Nah, it was working (briefly) a number of months ago when Woolworths changed the redemption method for Everyday Rewards so that you could redeem multiple lots of $10, and they accidentally allowed Everyday Rewards dollars to be redeemed when purchasing a gift card.

          • @WookieMonster: I doubt what you said. I first noticed the change a few months before then. Terms was updated much later actually. If you are so sure, I would like to view your receipt as it is stored in the account now.

  • +2

    good to have configured Mac computer with these gift cards :), which you cannot have with JB or TGG etc retailers

  • +6

    Just bought 4x$500 for 60k points.

    Checkout guy was worried and telling me might not get points with variable cards

    So don't worry, just pay it ..it will show up immediately on screen and docket after payment made.

    Apple just made millions with this deal and probably presold thousands of iphine 13

    Now I am waiting for 13 and then will be forced to migrate to iOS after being with Android for all my life. Will see what's so good about it in a month time. Moving to iOS coz all family friends use iphine….and u just can't airdrop anything from Android. So annoying.

    Someone should create an app for Android to iOS for file sharing

      • Haha…I wish I am 12…

        I wouldn't spend 2k on a freaking phone if I can turn back the clock. Would have put 2k into way better use.

        Not sure why kids now need the latest phones

        I am a mid range android user ….so this would be the most expensive phone I will ever own….personally I think it's just stupid to spend this much ..mbut what can I say when the wife tell me to get a iPhone so I can airdrop her photos rather than shitty WhatsApp quality

        • Galaxy phones/tablets/laptops have 'Quick Share', FYI.
          It makes sense to get an iphone if everyone around you have them.

          I reckon iphone 11 or 12 will be an awesome deal once 13 comes out.

        • I use google photos, you can share with your friends or family whole album..
          Too bad it is no longer unlimited.

  • -1

    if you want any iPhone 13, best to wait for next JB deal, bigger discount than 15%

    • +7

      Would be couple months into 2022 I recon

      I still got $1000 HOME cards fr previous deal for JB. Don't know why I am gonna do with these.

      Would anyone buy it for $950?

    • Not if you want to buy it upon release or within the first few months.

      Towards the end of the upgrade cycle maybe.

    • Or when they start hitting gumtree, especially this year with covid, people upgrading and just want the cash.
      Got my 12 pro max 256gb new/sealed for $1500 cash 6 months ago.

      • +2

        Yes and risk the chance of the phone being blocked after the person lodges an insurance claim with their insurance company saying there phone was stolen or simply don’t pay their bill..

        Pay the extra is worth the peace of mind in my view

        • lol, you have no idea, telcos chase for the money not the phone, I have bought 50 plus iPhones/iPads off gumtree not one problem. Pretty sure my more than 6 month old 12 pro max and wife's 2 year old XR would be blocked by now hahaha.
          Not for everyone have to know what you are doing.

          • @[Deactivated]: Just not naive like some.

            Many insurance companies ask for the IMEI to be blocked if there is a claim lodged for the loss/theft.

            You think the random guy you met at supermarket car park is going to care that your phone is bricked?

            There is a reason there is many sellers shifting many brand new high end phones for $100s off cheaper than anywhere and it’s not because they got a discounted deal.

            • @Mr RS: I don't meet in a carpark lol, like I said have never had a problem and no what I am doing. It's ok if you are scared you don't have to do it, keep giving Apple full price.
              Have re sold plenty to, never had a problem.

              • @[Deactivated]: Not scared but each to their own pal.

                • @Mr RS: Good, who says they are stolen anyway, you are allowed to upgrade a contract and sell the phone you know, contract is tied to the sim not the phone, you stop paying they want the money not the phone, it's not Afghanistan and they will hunt you down for the phone lol.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Didn’t say they are stolen….

                    Up to you if you want to be naive pal. We all know something fishy is going on when the same sellers selling brand new sealed phones cheaper than all the retailers.

                    But if you sleep well at night, good for you.

                    • @Mr RS: Did I say same sellers, always someone different, stop talking BS.
                      Wife's XR a guy won it in a work raffle just wanted some quick cash. Grow up.

                      • @[Deactivated]: Whatever mate, they are the facts.

                        Seen numerous people selling loads of high end phones sealed for $100s less than retail.

                        Not doubting there may be legitimate sellers.

                        But unless you do your due diligence, be prepared that it may end up biting you in the ass in the long run.

                        Feel free to jog along and enjoy your discounts on gumtree.

                        • @Mr RS: I have been doing it for years and years mate, I know what I am doing. But thanks anyway.

                          • @[Deactivated]: Cool story bro. But for those other people unllike you they should be careful.

                            Read many threads on ozbargain about people being burnt before.

                            • @Mr RS: I did say posts ago it's not for everyone, try reading first. Also said not same person and not always brand new.

                              • @[Deactivated]: Well you shouldn’t have replied to my first comment.

                                As your comment stated brand new and sealed iPhone 12 Pro Max.

                                Was just making it clear that gumtree isn’t the safest option and you came along to brag about your 50 devices off gumtree without any issue.

                                Slow claps for you mate.

                                • -2

                                  @Mr RS: How about minding you own business and not starting it in the first place, I wasn't commenting to you. Like the last say don't you, must be fun to live with lol.
                                  Jealous I would say.

  • hey guys, just a bit confused here, if i buy $2000 worth of apple gift card, and got certain amont of points in my rewards card, then i can turn these points into cash?

    my point is how do i actually use this points?

    i know Coles TFC , they do a straight 10% off at the register, so u pay 10% less cash straight away.

    • +7

      You shop at Woolies and check out with Woolworths dollars. You have to do your grocery shopping somewhere right?

  • -4

    The last time I bought something directly from Apple is years ago. There are usually better deals elsewhere if you're not in a hurry (example: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/605338)

    Besides app store purchases and subscriptions, I imagine this deal is appealing only to those who want to buy the iPhone 13 or M1x MacBook right after they are released. I can't imagine the majority of Ozbargainers would be in this category though (most people who need a phone or a laptop or iPad would have one by now already, and Apple gadgets are typically good for 3+ years usage at least.)

    • Took 1.5 year for iPhone 11 to come down $400…😵

      True that if people after latest stuff..this would be the deal.

      But I feel this gift card deal should happen quite often

    • +3

      For some people, using these gift cards to pay for items directly at Apple may actually be a better deal for them, because the items they are looking to buy are rarely (if ever) discounted when it is sold directly by Apple.

      For example, good luck finding an M1 MacBook Pro with a 16GB RAM option that is sold discounted at JB Hi-Fi, TGG, etc. The 16GB RAM option is only available as a custom build-to-order through Apple, and JB Hi-Fi excludes custom build-to-order laptops in their periodic 10% off Apple computer deals.

      You can also use these gift cards in the Apple Education Store, EPP portals or the refurbished section of the Apple store, and that may mean you end up paying less than the deals you see from time to time at JB Hi-Fi, etc.

      Even if you don’t have access to the Apple Education Store or EPP portals, or don’t want (or cannot) purchase refurbished items, you can always call up Apple on 133 662 and they should be able to price match deals at JB Hi-Fi, TGG, Officeworks, Amazon, etc. You can use these gift cards for sales over the phone.

      • So apple does price match other major retailers over the phone?
        Would be awesome if they also allow use if gift cards

        • Apparently, yes.

        • Yes, apparently 10% max. But I’m not sure if they let you pay over the phone with Gift Cards (which has a limit of 8 per transaction) or Apple account balance (which I believe has no limit).

          • +1

            @dreamykitten: Cool …next deal to look out for is JB TGG Gayvey's apple discount and price match

            • @lovepub: Or once the lockdowns are no more, go into an Apple Store and do the price match there and pay with your Apple account balance (to get around that 8 gift card per transaction limit). Although in that case you may wanna confirm the item you want is in stock at that particular Store before showing up as I don't know if they can order for you there and have it delivered to you (a delivery order)/have you go back and pick up (a pickup order).

  • Hi guys, sorry for a bit off-topic. If I don't want to go for the upcoming iPhone 13, but happy to buy iPhone SE (2020), should I use the Apple giftcards to buy it now at $679 (for 64 GB storage)? or better to wait when iPhone 13 is released and hope the price of iPhone SE (2020) will be cheaper. Thank you.

    By the way, I confirm I can buy multiple Apple gift cards (7 of them) by using 7 x $100 Coles Mastercard gift cards in one go (I got a long Woolworth self-check out receipt detailing 7 payment transactions. Just need to choose split payment and choose to pay by a credit card. Still need assistance from the staff.

    • Don’t think SE will be cheaper.

    • Could of got a 12 mini 128gb for $50 odd bucks more off Telstra last week, I did for $732.

  • +1

    Is this promo across all stores? Or only at ones with the promotional banner on the gift card section? Just went into my local one and there was no advertisement of the promo.

    • Just grab some gift cards and scan at the counter / self-checkout, the bonus points will appear on the top right corner after you scanned the gift card and your rewards card before the payment. If not then put it back.

  • I had an issue activating at self service checkout. You need the person to enter their codes into the machine anyways so try go to an attended checkout. They had to do a refund and said try again next time lol.

  • Was at Bayswater Woolworths, they had plenty of different giftcard amounts left. Can confirm variable gift cards added x30 points too.

  • Can confirm Ashfield mall Woolies had heaps of all denomination and variable, except no more $200.

    Bought variable, and points reflected instantly.

    • Oh and some staff at self checkout mentioned that have to use different credit card for each gift card purchase.

      But they didn't really care when I went ahead and used the same card.

      • The “policy” of having to use different credit cards for each purchase is utter garbage.

        Woolworths customer service debunked that when another user called the Woolworths Supermarkets hotline and enquired about that “policy”.

  • Seems like I am the only one cannot earn 30x bonus points on variable gift card:((((((

  • I checked today at my local Woolworths store in Melbourne - there is no poster about this deal at all.
    Is this deal specific to some State?

    • +1

      Just bought in hawthorn east. (Thanks OP)

    • +1

      The T&Cs of the deal (which is printed in this week’s catalogue) imply it is not limited to a specific state or store.

      You can always check by scanning a gift card (or multiple) at a checkout and scanning your Everyday Rewards card. The number of points you earn for this transaction should appear on the screen.

      You should be able to cancel the transaction at this point if you decide against purchasing the gift card(s), since the gift card(s) is not activated until after you actually pay for the gift card(s).

  • only $50 left. how many can you load into apple per order?

  • Does anyone know if all the Woolworths dollars can be used in one transaction and towards Apple GC purchase? Thanks

    • +1

      Woolworth Dollars can't be used to purchase gift cards.

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