• expired

NBN 250/25 $99.95/M (Was $119.95), 1000/50 $119.95/M (Was $139.95) for 6 Months (New & Existing FTTP/HFC Customers) @ Superloop


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        • Except Harvey Norman

      • You are both right probably, which results from inept legislation, or possibly corrupt ideals, or even corrupt intention.

        The solution we are led to believe is a question of ethics though, not law. And is up to those that took the money.

        At the end of the day, the money came out of the capital the economy has created and stored as investments, and the taxes some nicer people pay.

        Yea, nah… whatever. The children can pay it all back in good time, eh?

    • Aussie BB?

    • +2

      I was on the 250/25 for 3 months and got full speeds all the time

      I agree with the outgages but they were resolved pretty quickly. The longest outgage I remember was at 11pm at night and it came back on at 4am in the morning.

      • Yeah on some POI's it will be completely fine due to a lack of customers. NBN RSP's get 1.5gbps bundled CVC for free per POI pretty much. (They still have to build/pay for backhaul ofc so not all providers will take advantage of this.)

        A few people I know have great experiences on SL due to there being less than 500mbps of usage on that POI.

    • Thanks for the post, out of curiosity, who would you recommend instead?

      • +2

        Depends what you need out of your connection. If you want stablility and just good domestic latency e.g. no latency spikes during peak time.. One of the big 3 are hard to beat due to the sheer number of customers they have, as they've reached a critical mass for CVC pretty much. Telstra, Optus, TPG (iinet/Internode included as they share the same CVC pool).

        You can pair this with a decent VPN if you do need better international latency, such as NordVPN (some of their servers use GSL for connectivity who happen to have a very good international network) which I can pull upwards of 800mbps through.

        Launtel/ABB can be decent on the other hand if you're on the right POI.

    • I have tried SL twice but both times same POI and different house. About a year apart.

      Both times I had frequent drop outs and slow speed.
      Would often have to call daily and they would blame the house infrastructure. They would claim to log a fault with NBN and nothing would come of it.

      Changed provided and never have the same issues.
      Would bot recommend at all

      • So who you with now?

        It's more up to the infrastructure in your area and type of connection, not the reseller (support aside).
        my first 6 months is almost up (50/20 for $59.95) and will be increasing to $70. No point going somewhere subpar who uses vocus unless i can get a 100 speed plan to make up for it for $60-$70 per month.

        • With abb now. What I meant was when I changed service the faults stopped happening. So it wasn't the infrastructure in my area. The exact same thing happened at 2 houses when using SL and then stopped when I changed to another provider.

          • @ohyesss: hmm seems everyone's experience varies with all providers, was that HFC?
            I find HFC should be the same and can be ported over instantly if the provider has got their act together.

          • @ohyesss: Same experience here. Constant dropouts with Superloop over HFC. Churned to ABB and dropouts ceased.

    • +1

      I am a happy superloop customer. I do not think your claim is true.

      I am happy with their speed. Up time is 100%. No complain at all.

      • +1

        What POI are you on? What plan? There are completely fine POI's out there.

    • You will be very unlikely to hit full speeds on 1000/50 or 250/25 as they shape this plan pretty hard during peak time.

      Is there any categorical proof of them applying shaping during peak, or are the slow speeds a function of the CVC limit being hit?

    • +1

      Been using SL for a couple of years. (reason: on grandfathered plan $90/m 100/40)

      Speed - not much of an issue

      Support - worst, worse than TPG

      outage - frequent

    • I’m happy to neg them just for claiming jobkeeper. Clearly no nbn provider can claim a 30% reduction in revenue, or expected reduction in revenue and when it turns out they increased their revenue they should have paid it back.

      • most small companies would have, including the Engineering firm I was at - busier than ever but claimed a 30% reduction in sales

      • Not just small ones - Ford and Mercedes-Benz did to, despite increasing their revenues. Toyota did too, but returned it as soon as they realsed that things were better than expected.

    • +2

      Former ABB customer, been with SL about a year. Zero issues.

      • Same boat, in fact I had minor drop outs with ABB and went away with SL.

    • +1

      Granted I'm on FTTP, but I've dipped below 250Mbps on a speed test once with these guys (and it was 249Mbps) with the free upgrade. Normally I am on 100/20 and will get 105Mbps. Interestingly, Aussie Broadband has been the only provider I've had who have delivered sub par numbers.

      I will probably pay the extra $10 to go 250/25 when the free upgrade finishes.

      • Great to hear. It's a bit of a mixed bag. My POI 5EDW was a dumpster fire for example.

    • Tangerine and TPG are both $5 cheaper. How would they compare to SL?

  • Can't fault the connection reliability of speeds, near the end of a 6 month intro (HFC 50/20)

    Seems like NBN 250/25 Unlimited Plan at $99.95 is the lowest upgrade deal for existing customers? 100/40 (or even 100/20) for $69.95 would be ideal. Would rather pay $59.95 for 50/20 though.

    For everyone complaining about the speeds, it depends where you live. I get 52.x Mbps an the the, no drop outs (HFC). Haven't ever needed support, it works or it doesn't with HFC, usually just NBN co maintenance so wouldn't matter who you are with.

    Assume you have to wait till the start of the billing month as no pro-rata (4 days left in the current month so shopping around)

  • I'd totally choose 250/50 if it were an option (I want the upload) because I rarely see more than 300mbit with the SL 1000mbit plan

    • Yes I wouldn't mind testing out 250/25, $99 is a little bit much but was more money on other stuff.
      Otherwise keen to try out 100/20 or 40 at other RSPs (AQUA 100/40Mbps $69/Month if the 50/20Mbps $50/Month is too slow on vocus)

      I'm still using this sagemcom 4353 (Belong) modem, hard to find the specs . The ZTE ZXHN H268A is ac1600 (noting my wireless dongle is AC600), wifi shouldn't be a bottleneck?


  • +1

    Nice I am still on the initial free 6 month upgrade from 100/40 to 250/25 but when that ends at least there is an option to do it again. Though not seeing much benefit, 250/25 real world is around 130-160/23 on desktop and 30-60/23 on mobile. With 100/40 real world was around 80-100/37 desktop and around 40-80/37 on mobile.

    On HFC NBN in South East Brisbane

    edit: wow just checked, my HFC area now has 1000/50 availability! Previously 250/25 was max. hmmm

    • +2

      There are routers that can't handle 250/25. What are you using?

      • Asus RT-AC68U right now so yeah could be the issue.

        • RT-AC68U is suitable for 250 with 5GHz. An upgrade to the RT-AX86U or RT-AX88U wouldn't hurt.

    • +2

      30-60/23 on mobile

      Switch your mobile device from the 2.5ghz network to the 5ghz network. If it comes up as just one network you should login to your router and separate them into two SSIDs so you can control it better.

      • Yeah using 2.4Ghz right now as my Google Home assistant devices seem to drop off 5Ghz wifi so could also explain the lower numbers though for mobile not too concerned with download speed above 30-40.

  • I am with superloop now and I got connected on my FTTP within 2 hours!

    its crazy how fast NBN can get connected, not like DSL or Cable….. This is my 3rd provider as I keep switching for the 6 month deals lol

    • +1

      Yeh, FTTP nbn is like gas and electricity. Just a flick of a switch to get connected.

      I remember back in ADSL days when you have to wait up to 30 days to get connected for new connections and 7 - 14 days for churning.

  • I got the free 6 month upgrade to 1000/50 and it's coming to an end on Thursday. I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to 100/40.

    I'd like to know if I have the option of taking up this lower price for another 6 months and have it revert back to my grandfathered 100/40 plan for $89.95.

    Could also hop on the $79.95 a month 100/40 plan for 6 months and see what else is available once that is up. Hmmm

    • Oh wait that 100/40 @ $79.95 is only for new customers. Oops.

      • Once you change your plan, you'll lose your grandfathered 100/40 for $90 and have to pay the current full rate, just fyi.

        • Yeah I was thinking it'll probably be time to churn out by then anyway.

  • On the fence between 100/40 or 250/25… Is the higher upload speed of 100/40 more important if you stream heaps of geoblocked content via VPN?

    • No, upload speed has nothing to do with your access to VPNs. Only if you were streaming that footage to other people.

    • I'm guessing the speed bottleneck will be your VPN provider, not the ISP/RSP.

      If you run speedtest do you even get close to your upload speed?

      But for streaming, it's all about download.

  • I was on 100/40, took the upgrade to 250/25 6 months ago (1000/50 wasn’t available at the time).

    Happy to go another 6 months at 250/25 for $99, but that 1000/50 for $119 is quite alluring now 1000/50 is available at my address. Problem is, I don’t want to deal with a quota again like it’s 2002. 3TB is a bit lean these days. Looking at the usage area we’re doing 2-2.5TB down per month and I can see that growing with PS5 games and more 4K streaming content.

    • What are you doing to get close to 3TB?
      Even with 4 of us in the house, streaming every night, 2 X Xboxes, etc we don't come anywhere near it

      • Yeah I download and stream a lot and I can't chew through 3TB a month…Mind you only 2 adults and 2 children who stream during the day for school work.

      • +1

        Is the 3TB quota on both up and down?

        • Yes. Taken from their CIS

          Data usage is calculated with Downloads or Uploads.

      • Easy to do hundreds of gigs a week in game patches per device when games regularly push out 30-50GB patches. Add on top of that UHD streaming through Disney+, people using 4K youtube (can be 3gb per video and have it going basically all day). 3TB a month is only around 750gb a week, not much in todays world.

      • Didn't feel like much but ever since they turned the counter back on it's been a surprising amount.

    • -1

      Don't go 1000/50, they shape


      And superloops website clearly states (for the 1000/50 plan) "typical evening speed 250.0 Mbps".

      I actually thought that was a typo but its not.

      • +1

        I'm at the end of my free 6 month upgrade to 1000 and average nightly speed on HFC for me is around 600-700. Didn't ever see 1000 off peak, probably tapped out in the 800's. So it's not a huge difference peak and off peak for me.
        Obviously it's going to vary depending on where you are and your connection but it's not capped or shaped to 250.

        If you read the reply from the SL rep on that link you provided, they say they only shape you when you go over the 3TB limit which is in line with my experience.

    • How long did it take to go from 250/25 available to 1000/50 available?

      • 250/25 appeared in July/August 2020, then 1000/50 became available about June 2021, after a month or two of various evenings with scheduled maintenance in the early hours.


        By 31 December 2021, the company is forecasting that approximately 94 per cent or approximately 2.35 million premises that are ready to connect to the nbn network via HFC will be able to access the nbn Home Ultrafast wholesale speed tier.

        Ultrafast on HFC 1000:

        Hit 7% May 2020 (announced).
        Hit 25% November 2020.
        Hit 58% May 2021.

        Superfast on HFC (250)

        70% May 2020 (announced)
        Target 100% June 2021 (not sure if reached).

  • +2

    LOL what the heck, I changed from ABB 100/20 6 month deal to Superloop just now.

    Originally on Telstra Cable [paid for 100/3) — consistent 112/3 via HFC (@$59.95 p/mth)
    Forced onto NBN FTTC with ABB (paid for 100/20) — consistent (90/17) via FTTC (@$79 p/mth)
    Now onto Superloop (paid for 100/40) — consistent (80/15) via FTTC (@$79.95 p/mth)

    It just gets more expensive and worse! I'm so upset :(

    • Those last two are similar enough.
      Besides the six month promos, the cost of plans seem to have gone up lately. Although higher speeds and expectations have increased too

    • So change to 100/20 like you were with ABB and save $10/m.

  • Just a heads up anyone coming over for AussieBB on 1000/50. You’ll be lucky to get over 500Mbps during the night unlike AussieBB where you’ll get 950Mbps 24/7

  • I'm on Tullamarine POI and nearly hitting 100% CVC utilization every night!
    Their service is great but with offering 1G cheap means they quickly saturate their POIs for FTTP users , just check you POI graph now and then.

  • This is how you retain customers (take note Aussie BB)

    • +1

      Sadly, Aussie BB DGAF about existing customers. I called them and tried to match SL a month ago and they wouldn't budge. Extra $20-30/mth is better in my pocket than in theirs I'm thinking!

    • I used to talk like you. You'll come around

      • SL reliable and fast so far on my POI in Melbourne, now on 1000/50 HFC, no complaints. Anecdotally for me fewer outages than I had on Aussie BB

  • +1

    Why no promo price for 100Mbps plan for current customers? :(

    • Why isn't life fair :( Stuck on 100Mbps with no option to upgrade

    • +1

      Or 50 Mbps. Those are the maximum I need to be honest.

  • Moving houses how do I check if it’s FTTC or FTTP?

  • -1

    I was with ABB then switched to SL to save a few dollars. Pretty quickly I realised that it was a mistake! Far more frequent drop outs including short drop outs that don't get counted towards the stats. Got better when SL temporarily upgraded me from 100/20 to 250/25 but this is going to end. I'm going back to ABB.

    I'm based in Sydney.

    • Cool off period?
      Varies depending where you live, great here. ABB is almost Telstra pricing isn't it?

    • What tech type are you on? FTTC? FTTP?

  • FTTN here on the Kings Park POI. Support is useless. Paying for 50/20 but getting 25/10 speed and they're referring me to their help section, giving me the run around. I think this company is on its way down. It was a completely different experience 2 months ago and I was with them for > 8 months. Can't even be bothered elaborating. Just join someone else plenty of sign up/referral discounts available if you don't want to go with the big 3.

    • Also on the KP POI but on HFC. Have you had 2 (+1 scheduled) outages recently in the last 2 months?

      I'm on the 250/20 now with SL, speed wise its OK but coming from ABB speeds never fluctuated much and seemed more stable.

      SL pricing is very competitive v ABB though.

  • For those of you on one of these plans already, what is the stability like? I am currently on Telstra and are curious if it is worthwhile jumping ship.

    • Hey mate,

      I’ve been with superloop for the last 18months and have been on the gig plans from when the first came out. No issues here. I have FTTP so that might make a difference. Plenty of download speeds and during peak I generally get around 600 down.

    • +1

      Highly recommended superloop. Make sure you join with a referral, so your mate can get some benefit. There are a lot of superloop supporter trying to talk down superloop in this thread, but as a Ex Abb user, I find superloop is actually better and cheaper.

  • I have been happy with ANY provider I have used in the past on 100/20 plan - KOGAN, Superloop, MyRepublic, Tangerine. My speed is always pretty constant for a FTTN 55-60 Mbps down, 17-19 MBps up, ping 6-8. Hardly any downtime I can remember. No issues whatsoever. Churn whenever there is a deal.

  • +1

    btw, superloop used to use RT for their support. (which is like ancient)

    and only recently upgraded to zendesk - still takes a few weeks to respond your written request

    phone call is the only solution rather often and it takes hours on hold during outage.

    also half the outage they are having is unannounced & unmarked in their system.

  • changed my plan from 100/20 to 250/25 around 1am today, woke up 9am and speed upgrade completed.

  • Great deal and retained me as I was looking at churning just to get access to the $20 new customer discount in 12 months, or probably less under a different name, address, card, etc whatever OzBargain circumvention was necessary. Top stuff Superloop!

    • Good outcome, did you have to pay more for the NBN 250/25 $99.95/M or 1000/50 $119.95/M deals or were you on a lower one

  • I am with them atm (change from Aussie BB) but they drop out quite often and I think speed was better at Aussie BB

  • Upstream should be at least 40% of the downstream, don't understand why ISP offers such odd plans, shrug.

    • Coz DSL(FTTN) & HFC has asymmetrical connection due to frequency limit and they can't give special deal for FTTH and admit they screwed up this completely. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      • Thanks Malcom.

  • I left Superloop back in April. Can I still take the offer as new customer? But I can still login to my superloop account…

    • 12 months before you're considered a new customer (up from six, I believe).

  • What about TPG for $80 100Mbps first 6 months

  • They are fine… until you have an issue.

    Currently 48 minutes on hold.

  • Does anyone know what happens to an existing referral bonus ("Mates Rates For All" - thanks OzB !) if you change to one of these discounted plans? Does it apply to the discounted plan rate too?

    What about new referrals received during the 6 month promo?

    • New referrals definitely stack onto existing promos, this I've done before. I'm not sure what happens when you change plan though, but I have read you are supposed to keep your referral credits.

  • Hey anyone here have a referral link they want to send me? A name as well would be great. I'm signing up now and can't get the link from the referral portal here. First in best dressed

    • Referral link's now been given - cheers!

  • SL international peering is crap on FTTP 1gbps for video calls, Telstra was far better with no hiccups even on 100mbps.
    Even ABB was good for this. I will ditch SL once the promo is over and wouldn't go back.
    SL advertises 3TB limit to maintain quality of the network but fails to deliver on peering where required.

    • +1

      No doubt the person on the other end of the video call won't have as good connection as you (especially on a 1Gbps plan).
      It gets to the point where people wanting the very best should just stick with Telstra or ABB and not worry about trying to save $10 a month or whatever.

      • Same person had same connection on other end and video chat worked fine when I had Telstra 100mbps.
        Yes they didn't have 1gbps but if SL international peering is crap then it doesn't matter if my connection is 100mbps or 1gbps.
        Agreed sticking to Telstra or ABB is a better idea.

        • Yeah that's fair enough.. surely 100Mbps is a good enough plan, ha

  • The discounts really made the speeds drop. In April when I got the free upgrade to 250/25, I was getting a constant 250. Now I'm back on the 250/25 by paying extra, I only max out at 200. Should I satisfied or is it worth a complaint to superloop?

    • It should be worth a complaint to Superloop, all things being equal except the discount you should get the same experience.

      • It is now offpeak and I'm still getting just 200


        There's nothing wrong with my wifi connection. I am using the exact same PC equipment as I was in April where I got 250Mbps

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