Fell off Bike and Doctor Told Me to Get X-Ray - What Do You Guys Think I Should Do?

Hi Guys,

I just recently fell off from my bicycle two days ago, a few brushes, and cut. But now my left hand is so pain when I move it around I can't even lift my MacBook Pro.

I went to see GP and the doctor take a look they charged me $80 which Medicare will refund $35. The doctor only told me to do x-ray at some other place. I live up North Shore.

What do you guys think i should do in this instance?

Thank you

closed Comments

  • +18

    Fell off Bike and Doctor Told Me to Get X-Ray - What Do You Guys Think I Should Do?

    Post on OzB first ✅

    Now, Go get the x-ray.

    • +1

      This. I actually had a similar stack off my bicycle. Wrist was really sore for over a week so I was pretty sure it was fractured. GP got me to get bulk billed x-ray and that showed nothing, so she then recommended a CT scan. Lo and behold there was a hairline fracture at the base of my thumb that only showed up in finer imaging.

      I'd say you've definitely got a fracture in there somewhere. I had to go to a physio to learn how to isolate it properly and give it a chance to heal. It still plays up though and certain postures will trigger a pain spike.

      • What was the treatment?

        • Had to wear a wrist brace for 6 weeks to allow the bone time to heal and avoid using that hand as much as possible.

          • @chartparker: One thing some people seem to not think of - the entire point of a cast/splint/brace is to isolate the joint and prevent it from moving.

            That is called rest. You're resting the joint, giving your body time to heal it itself.

  • +13

    I always thought the typical ozbarginer had above average intelligence………the OP must be an outlier…..

    • May not have just been hand OP fell on.

    • You thaawt rong, frend.

    • +1

      What gave you that idea?

    • No way, OP has a MacBook Pro

    • I always thought the typical ozbarginer had above average intelligence

      lol wtf

  • +18

    Ignore the Dr … what would they know right? They just scammed you of $80 and gave you advice that you need to check with us (the professionals) /s

  • -7

    Go to another GP for a second opinion?

  • +3

    Welcome to OzMedical..

    Firstly - do you have an appointment and your medicare card please.

    • +1

      Is it op's first consultation with OZBagains medical experts ?

      • +1

        Sorry, we dont bulk bill

  • +7

    you cant put a price on your health. Especially if its your w*nking hand…. haha

    but in all seriousness. You can barely move your hand.Get some help.

    • could be a good opportunity to practice using their non-dominant hand

  • +2

    Possible sprain? Get an x-ray mate, not worth faffing about when it comes to your body parts.

  • -1

    More than likely a sprain but:

    Where does it hurt (photo would probably help instead of trying to explain)
    Does it hurt to grip something hard and does it feel weaker compared to the other hand?
    Is it painful to press around your wrist below your thumb?

  • Its for accident and emergency. just say its not getting any better

  • +7

    Exactly the same thing happened to me, if i had gone early they could of just put a cast on it, and it would of been fine within 6 weeks. Instead it kept getting worse and then 6 months later i had to see a specialist then required surgery. If i got the cast i wouldnt have needed the surgery.

    So I recommend getting it checked out as soon as you can.

  • +6

    Don't think I've ever paid for an xray. Medicare will cover it if you get a referral which it sounds like you have.

    • +8

      I honestly still don't know if you are the greatest troll, or just Pam.

      • A wolf in sheep's clothing?

        If memory serves me right, it goes something like “everyone else is a troll?”.

    • Pam, oh Pam. I have no words. You are simply amazing!

    • its not a cure, just a complementary treatment.

    • Do you mean Senzu Beans. Heard from a mate that they heal broken bones, tendons and organs.

      • no, its like a liquid liniment and is healing for bone cells, but the injury still needs conventional treatment. I applied some before the cast went on,but was unable to apply when cast was on. when cast came off, I used it daily for awhile. Also used it for a stiff neck. I keep some in the first aid cabinet

  • +9

    What do you guys think i should do in this instance?

    Go get the X-Ray?

  • +8

    Dr says get an xray - aaahhh… go get an x-ray!

    Call around and ask a few places if they will 'bulk bill'. There is plenty of providers that will bulk bill for X-rays. In such instance "google is your friend".

    Otherwise get it done at the hospital, although, keep in mind they may turn you away and maybe a long waitlist. I'd not bother the hospital as they are probably busy, especially the North Shore…

    Google and hit the phone!

    • +3

      Something that is not so obvious: doctors give you a pathology ?referral printed on a form covered in adverts from their favourite pathology lab. Usually you can use it at any pathology lab, not just the one advertised.

      • +4

        Medical imaging and pathology are 2 separate things. What you said works for both but it's not quite correct. I've never seen one "covered in adverts". They have a logo of the company that made the form and provided it to the doctor, but that's it. Most, if not all, doctors will have forms for multiple companies if there are multiple companies in the area. Just ask for a particular company's form if you want it, but it doesn't matter because you can take it wherever you like.

        Generally I have a reason for suggesting a particular place for a patient to go. It might be because the wait list is shorter, maybe the cost is lower, or maybe they'll do a better job. Sometimes patients want to go to a particular place because it's closer to them, or simply because it's the one they always go to.

        There are no kickbacks or anything like that.

        • There are no kickbacks or anything like that.

          Thanks for clarifying that, I've always wondered if they have a league table of their favourite drs and at the end of the year they get a family ticket to their favoutire junket island

        • Thank you for the clarification. It's good to hear an insider's perspective.

          The forms I have seen have a logo on the front, as you say, but the back is covered in information specific to that company. I see this as advertising (sure, it is not heavy duty promotion like some ads are).

          The whole thing is designed to make the patient think that they need to go to that company.

          • @gesco: The only things I've ever seen printed on the back is the locations and phone numbers of their branches or the services they offer, all of which is very helpful to patients.

            I like sticking it to big companies as much as anyone here but there's nothing dodgy going on with these forms. Only a government-mandated standardised form (like medicine prescriptions) will change how it currently looks across all providers.

      • +1

        100% - it's like a prescription. You can take it to any provider (chemist) of your choice as long as it's within the 12 month period after being written.
        (For the fellow perfectionists here - yes, some scripts are only for 3 months or 6 months etc. and yes, some referrals can be indefinite as well).

      • wait wait…..u saying i can use the referal letter that GP specific said go to this brand pathology….and use it in any place in NSW?

        • Yes, mate. Probably anywhere in Australia (but that's outside my experience). Of course, not all places can do all of the tests.

          Very occasionally a doctor (usually a specialist) will make it clear that they want you to use a specific place.

  • +9

    Not sure if anyone’s mentioned this, but perhaps go get an x-ray?

    • +4

      Yep - this. Who goes to a GP and then questions his/her advice by going straight to OzB for a second opinion?
      Now I'm only more amazed OP didn't come here first.

  • Broke my wrist a couple of years ago at night tennis, tried to do the right thing and turned up at GPs the next morning after a very painful night. They said nah, dont want to know just go to hospital.
    First sign you see when you go into the emergency is "Dont come here for minor fractures, see your GP!"
    Spoke to GP about it later, sounded like their, the GPs, main concern was getting sued if they stuff it up!

    • +2

      Medicine is very save you ass digestive medicine these days. ED, GPs both tend not to try to do minor procedural things despite all of us being taught how to do it in med school
      It’s pretty pathetic really

      • Can you tell me which type of fractures you can confidently diagnose, cast and manage. Exclude greenstick and non displaced digits.

    • +4

      Thats a cop out excuse by the GP - If they don't know and genuinely want advice they are perfectly able to pick up the phone and call their local orthopaedic service at the hospital. They will speak to an on call registrar who can easily offer them advice. Having done that job and held that phone for many years on call, would get 20-30 calls a day from GP's asking for advice on simple fractures and preventing the need for 1) patients coming to ED and 2) patients being unnecessarily referred to outpatient fracture clinics for trivial fractures and other injuries. 95% of the time we can see the xrays or other scans online and give direct advice based on the images. Simple. Yes it can be a bit tedious giving advice on "simple things" but this is both good for patients and good learning for the GPs. Everyone wins.

  • +3

    try and pop a mono again

  • +2

    Did you get a referral for the X-ray from the GP? if so go get it done at one of those bulk billing places. If you didn’t get a referral for the X-ray you could get one via a Telehealth consult or one of those after hours gps that come to your house eg https://homedoctor.com.au/ (available weekends and evenings), then go to bulk billing X-ray place. You could also go to your nearest public hospital and they’ll X-ray and treat it Eg if you need a cast putting on. The benefit of the public hospital is that they’ll also link you in for any aftercare if you do have a fracture. Down side is that if it’s not urgent you’ll likely wait a while.

    Immobilise your hand and wrist until you are seen, ie stop doing stuff lwith the affected hand completely, like picking up your MacBook.

  • +4

    Just wrap it up with some duct tape. Be a man.

    • +1

      Yeah, harden up princess. Just don't forget to spray WD40 on the joint after taking the tape off so the joint moves smoothly.

  • +3

    I had this before. Fell off bike, pain in the hand, went to GP, referral to X-Ray, got it done bulk billing, went back to GP, diagnosed as finger dislocated AND broken in several places, went to ER, waited 2 hours, they fixed the dislocation and cast me up to my elbow, took 6 weeks to heal, end of story.

  • +4

    Your health, time and effiency is worth more than spending time waiting and finding a bulk bill doctor (that is also a good doctor and have a consultation of more than 6 minutes) and bulk bill x-ray clinic. Your future self can thank you later.

    As I made the same mistake, my ignorance and cheapskateness (did a ct instead of an MRI, the MRI would have detected the issue), long story short, it resulted in the need for carpel tunnel surgery, costing many more thousands. My hands are still crap. Should of just pay the 200…for the MRI and to see a gp doctor who deals with this type of injury.

    If you are desperate to not spend, find a good doctor and then beg that your poor, have a concession card, health card card or pensioner card, they might bulk bill you out if empathy.

    Another option is, if you have a doctor you been seeing for a long time and that knows you well. They often will bulk bill from my experience.

    If you think, GP are expensive, wait until you see specialists.

  • +1

    Follow the Doctor, you naughty boy. 😷

  • +4

    Do people really have that much time on their hands that they can make up a new account and ask stupid questions?

  • -2

    Go to emergency now. Yes it may take some time waiting but better for the peace of mind and to avoid making your injury worse.

  • +1

    Put it in rice.
    Refer to https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/636655 for an ozbargain deal!

    In all seriousness, if the pain is a 5+/10 go to your nearest emergency department.

    • +1

      RICE is correct

  • Doctor said I should get an x-ray but what does Ozbargain think?

  • +7

    Weird flex about the Macbook Pro.

    • +5

      why do they specify macbook/iphone instead of saying laptop/phone like a normal person?

  • +8

    This is a troll post. There is no way somebody would be this (profanity) stupid.

    • +2

      Definitely a troll post. Can't afford an x-ray but has a Macbook Pro.

    • +1

      1st day on the internet? Welcome 🙂

  • I don't know what OP wants us to say except go for an x-ray?!

  • +2

    Hopefully the doctor gave you a referral letter. You can then take that to anywhere that does X rays - radiology or medical imaging and get an X ray done. End of story. The radiology report and images then go to the doctor and you see them again.

    In the grand scheme of things, 45 bucks to see a doctor isn't that bad.

  • +3

    too many wrong things with this post

    • Poll is missing
    • Mspaint diagram is missing
    • Cycle does not have insurance, how do i get it fixed is missing etc.

    I think you're jumping the gun asking about X-rays before fixing these basic issues

  • +1

    OP’s injury seems to have got worse. Can’t even type a reply.

  • +3

    Following doctor's advice and get x-ray is recommended.

    But if you don't want to do that, an alternative treatment is:

    1) Buy https://www.bunnings.com.au/australian-builders-20kg-concret… $8.80
    2) Mix with clean water - Free
    3) Drink 2 cups daily - once in the morning, once before bed, till whole bag is finished.

    • +1

      did you read OP's post?

      He can't lift heavy items

  • +3

    Can you lift an iPhone 12?

  • +2

    She'll be right mate, what would the doctor know?

    Maybe sell the MacBook Pro and buy a MacBook air?

  • +1

    It can't be that bad, come back when you can't lift a Macbook Air.

    • Na, still just a sprain. If you can't lift an LG Gram I'll be interested.

  • Interesting the comment about the doctor's fee. OP lives on the North Shore and owns a Macbook Pro, pretty sure you're sweet for the cash.

    • +1

      MacBook Pro.
      I live up North Shore

      Seems like that’s all the OP can flex right now, than his hand.

  • +2

    Hey man, I fell off my bike and had exactly the same thing happen, pain and hand weakness. I had an X-Ray ASAP and it showed no signs of a fracture, well guess what? apparently scaphoid fractures don't always show up straight away. Many weeks later after it wasn't getting better I had another X-Ray and an MRI that clearly showed I'd fractured the scaphoid bone in my left hand. I was put in a cast for a while and eventually they decided the best course of action was to fix it with a titanium screw in surgery, Then more time in a cast as the bone healed. Even if you haven't broken anything, Until you know for sure, I highly recommend you treat it like you did and buy a cheap strapped brace that fixes your thumb in place, If it's your scaphoid bone it's really important to immobilize the thumb. I wasn't even moving when I fell off my bike 🙄 Edit: Here's a pic from the Specialists office for the lols: https://imgur.com/a/av76MWI

    • +3

      Your GP/ED that you visited should've referred you to a fracture clinic if they had examiend you properly, there's 3 cardinal signs of a scaphoid # and whenever 2/3 are present = referral to # clinic even if now # is visible on the inital Xrays.

      Also generic swrist brace is not going to help. Scaphoid #s require SPICA casts or braces and if OP doesn't have that he'd be immobilising the joint for no reason and increasing there chance of getting nonuse osteopenia.

      P.S the orthopod did a great job

      • +1

        and that's why we shouldn't take advice from random nobody's off the internet huh 😅

        yeah they did an amazing job, you can hardly see the scar unless you're looking for it too. All done through the public system and it didn't cost me anything except time lol.

  • +1

    I hurt my back about 2 months ago, was pretty sure it was just muscular so went to a physio to get treated. He was concerned there could possibly be some bone damage where the muscles connect to my spine and gave me a pathology referral script.

    I went directly to the pathology place (on a Saturday), got the x-ray done within 20 minutes, paid nothing and the physio had the results on the Monday. Only thing that should cost you is the follow up appointment with the GP, although you may be able to ask to get your results over the phone, or at least ask if a follow up appointment is required

    • +1

      The op talks about a dodgy GP. I'd be more worried about a pathologist reading an x-ray!

      • Whoops - pathology/radiology. Wrote that while in bed about to sleep

  • I had X-ray and ultrasound on dodgy shoulder last week via GP referral, didn’t cost me anything.

    But you need to get it done - ASAP - if you don’t know exactly what’s wrong, you can’t know what to do, or if what you are doing is causing more damage.

  • get an x-ray. i broke my back and didnt get an xray because i thought i just bruised it, but the pain lasted for months lol

  • +4

    is this a joke?

  • +3

    Sounds like suss advice to me. I'd recommend cutting your arm off at the shoulder to be sure.

    • +1

      Nahhh man. That one will require amputation at neck level.

  • +2

    Fell off Bike. Go get X-ray, then sell bike so it cannot happen again

  • +5

    Get a MacBook Air which is the lightest one

  • +1

    My partner had some hand pain and did both the consult and X-ray for free. Just need to go to bulk-billed places.

  • May be get off the internet and go fix your hand?

  • +1

    Listen to your Dr..

    I nearly killed myself with a small fall off my pushbike. Expected to feel sore but in fact had broken 8 ribs, punctured a lung and had 5 litres of pooled blood internally when I presented at A & E the next morning after an uncomfortable night.

    Listen to your expert mate, we are not med experts, why would you come to us?

    • +1

      5 litres of pooled blood is equivalent to your total blood volume! Or did you mean 500mls?

      • Lmao went to sleep with 8 broken ribs and a punctured long. I think not!

  • Take some vitamin C. She’ll be right mate… Read it on a forum.

  • Chatswood Medical and Dental Centre on Victoria Avenue. They have bulk billing radiology on site. They also have bulk billing doctors.

  • +1

    As I see it you have 3 choices:
    Do nothing and risk permanent disfigurement
    Get a lighter computer or
    Follow the health advice like everybody else claims they do so you can have a clear conscience.

    Edit: I’d get rid of the bike, you’re clearly a danger to yourself and others

  • You went to the doctor to get a professional opinion. Stop jerking around and go and get an x-ray. They’re usually free anyway if the doctor requests it to be bulk-billed.

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