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Pre-Order iPhone 5 16GB from Kogan $699 + $19 Delivery ($100 Less than Apple Store)


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Claimed their deal is cheaper than Apple $100 .

See comment about the uncertainty of stock and ship dates.

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closed Comments

        • +3

          Try GSMarena too, if you run a comparison of the two phones then you'll see that spec wise the Iphone5's specs has already been given a run for its money by the SgS3 for the price. Plus SgS3 also has a removable battery, something very handy if you intend on using it for the long term

          Owned both products and each has its perks… but I honestly prefer the galaxy

        • and an expandable memory so you can fill it up with mammary ….

      • +3

        They are prices for going on a contract….

      • -1


      • +6

        Those are on 2 year contracts, here the phone is $0 upfront on a contract. Learn to read, then comment in future.

        • +2

          I saw a guy posting the same !@%$# question on SMH. I was like which planet is he/she on?!

      • If you compare outright prices, US is still $100 cheaper, but the prices you quoted are standard contract prices for all current smartphones. The phone is subsidised by the carrier.

        However, if you look at the price of contracts, they're very expensive. If you're buying on contract, it's definitely cheaper in AU than in US. We get the phone for free, and their monthly charges are still similar to ours and even more expensive in some cases.

    • Wow 16GB goes from $100 to $50.
      Thats still 64GB for $300.
      32GB for $200

      or is that artificially high 32GB so that 64GB can rake in even more profit.

      Considering sandisk can sell 16gb microSDs for < $4.

      I am sure Apple is getting its flash for < $5/16g.

      Why cannot apple grow some balls, and instead use the same prices, but offer

      64gb/128gb/512gb options

    • The first thing that popped into my mind when i saw that was: WTF!!

      • That's normal. We get many children on this site too you know :-)

  • +68

    Samsung Galaxy S3 has much better value comparing to iPhone 5

    • +24

      yea..Iphone is one generation behind.

      • +3

        *three or four

    • +52

      shush, they will sue you for saying this

    • +3

      Let's see how well S3's value holds over the next few months…

      • +7

        You probably don't realize he means 'value-for-money'. The S3 is $520-600ish, the ip5 is $800. Do you actually get $200-250 more phone with the ip5?

        Unless you've already invested into the ecosystem (apps etc), I personally don't think the ip5 provides $200-250 more phone than an S3. But I realize that different people have different needs, so … whatever floats their boats!

        • The S3 would be more "value for money" after half year.

          about 300 bucks?

      • why? otherwise this is flamebait.

        • -2

          Why? Because it uses a disjointed operating system called Android.

        • And the hardware is too big (wide) to be a pocketable phone, and too small for a tablet.

        • Thanks for giving some evidence to your opinion.

        • the one good thing you've said….
          Edit: that comment was for James101 saying that android phones are too big

        • Yet most people who bag out Android OS haven't even used it or they lack the intelligence to get used to a new OS, which is why they refuse to move away from iOS under the false impression that it's easy to use.
          Even copying simple pdf files from PC to iPhone can be a real chore and hassle.

        • -1

          Not that challenging. To get it into iBooks, drag and drop your pdf into iTunes. Or over WiFi in the GoodReader app.

        • -1

          Key point here. iTunes, genius.
          You don't always have access to a computer with that silly iTunes.
          Oh.. so you need a third party app just to copy a freaking file. how intuitive? lol

          Btw, James, have you even used one of the latest Android handsets?
          I've been an iPhone 3GS user for 2 years before I made the switch. It took a week or so to get used to it, but it was night and day and I would never go back to iOS.

        • lol, that's so funny. On an android, you can transfer any file to any wifi device using kies air. you dont need to install itunes on every device you touch, you just need kies air on your phone. You seem to hate android and windows8 with a passion. Yes, andriods usually take longer to set up, but once you see for yourself you'll know why its worth it. infact it took me about 2 hours to completely explore and set up my new android phone, but at the end of those 2 hours, i had something that was completely and uniquely mine. i had customised each page, to do and display, exactly what i needed. With both android and ios you get a whole bunch of features but the difference is this: With ios they keep updating their system's look and feel based on what they know will bring the greatest amount of joy to the greatest number of their users; with android, they focus on getting the core right, and adding lots of features and options, but they leave the rest to the user to customise. When you buy it, at first glance it looks empty with lots of gaps and empty spaces. This is why you probably think it feels disjointed, but those blank space are there for a reason, they're supposed to be filled, changed, moved around and resized to suit your specific needs. You're supposed to customise it's pages so it blends in with your life. So it all comes down to one choice really: do you want a phone which has been optimised to suit most people but forces you to do what everyone else does; or do you want a phone that gives you access to a lot of, options and features, but forces you to be creative it the way you use those features, to design your phone, to interact with you.
          I think thats what djc926 was trying to say - It takes a while to set up but the difference between the 2 really is like night and day.

        • This is partly why I don't like Android. I don't care about customising things to the nth degree, or having multiple ways of doing the same thing. And while we humans are each different and unique in so many ways, there are many basic similarities, even in how we would interact with computers.

          I value ease of use very highly, and one of the measures I apply is could my grandma use it? iOS gives a more fluid and intuitive experience, and of any phone that I have ever tried, the iPhone is the easiest phone to teach someone how to use (even against those big buttoned phones that are designed for the elderly).

      • +2

        Eww girl germs. Ewwwww Apple germs!

      • YEah because you are a moron, Isheep!

        • Actually the sheep are the anonymised herd of users who neg my comments, and then don't even bother challenging my points. Btw I don't even own an iPhone (although I do use them, and I also have an iPad), but yes I do like iOS and OS X because they are the most coherent operating systems for their intended use.

  • +1

    The title means 799 AUD for 16GB…………………….
    Waiting for the price drop of galaxy S3…..

    • +7

      It's already over $200 cheaper, for a better phone.

      My guess is a lot of iphone 4 hold outs will jump to the SIII rather than waste money on the iphone5 - what would be the point of something that's not much better?

      Give it a few months and you may see apple cutting the price of the iphone5s to shift stock…

      • +7

        Give it a few months and you may see apple cutting the price of the iphone5s to shift stock…

        Apple will never cut the price. Steve Jobs would be turning in his grave if that happened.

        • +4

          Me and me mates have already turned him over, and there's no treasure down there. And to think, I was so excited about potentially making my first post on OzBargain.

      • Most people don't see the 700 or 500 price, they just sign up to a contract and the phone is 100 bucks or free

        • +1

          Yes but the contracts required are still very expensive.

  • +31

    finding the iPhone 5 disappointing

    • +34

      Having said that, the diehard iFan will still go ahead to line up and buy it regardless how bad the design and features

      • +16

        It's not bad… just uninspired. I'm sure it is a fine phone, but there is nothing here to get excited about.

        Siri may be pointless, but it served as a gimmick marketting people could rave on about. This doesn't have anything as far as I can tell.

        • +24


          It is a good phone. But the design is now 3 generations old. and the operating system (look and feel) hasn't been change for 6 years.

          I use an iPhone, I don't think I would buy an iPhone again.

          They have been pretty bad on innovations lately and has been pretty good suing who ever comes in their way.

        • +15

          I totally agree. I got the iPhone 4 and it was really an impressive shift. Nothing has really happened since then… I made the jump to the SGS3 and today shows it was the right move.

        • -1

          Yep, the lost of Steve has quickly taken effect….

        • I agree with you Bruce.. it's a fine phone for sure.

        • +4


        • I don't have an iPhone, but I do have an iPad (it also runs iOS). I don't see why they should change how the OS works just for the sake of it. And while I do think they have the foundations right, there are features that could be included or extended.

        • +1

          Apple have never been big on innovations. They take other people's ideas and re-hash them more effectively.

        • That's something we can learn in our life.

      • That's to be expected, as sad as it is.

      • TRUE mate, very true…

    • +2

      it does'nt have steve jobs look??

  • +4

    Fanboys prepare to get rimmed

  • +3

    Plus delivery of $19 please.

    • +1

      Fixed . Thanks !

    • No delivery of $19 please, Kogan…

  • +4

    Also, delivery seems to be $19 for most capital cities, so total price would be $718. Still much cheaper than the RRP of $799. I think I'd want to actually physically see and hold one before buying one. Not sure about the extra length of it. I'm quite happy with length of my current one - not sure if I can comfortably fit a longer one into my pants.

    • +38

      "Not sure about the extra length of it. I'm quite happy with length of my current one - not sure if I can comfortably fit a longer one into my pants."

      I'm not sure if you are being funny on purpose, it is accidental, or my mind is just in the gutter….

    • +3

      not sure if I can comfortably fit a longer one into my pants.

      That's what she said.

      • +31

        She has a long one in her pants?

        • +18

          He must've met her in Thailand =p

        • +2


        • +1

          All of the above!

  • +3

    Good luck iFanboy…you have to buy new accessories for the new connector. Developer will also need to change the apps screen size to fit into the new screen resolution.

    • +3

      Not if the apps are any good. Take a look at Android, almost every phone has a custom resolution, may apps work just fine.

      • +11

        yes but Android developers know that multiple resolutions exist. iPhone simply didn't, even from old to the HD screens they just had to scale. With no need and no long term guidance advising that this would happen and no way to test the code written (all device had same resolution) how / why would they develop resolution independent code. Hence Apple will detect and run old apps in a restricted window - like they do with iPhone apps on the iPad.

        • +7

          This is exactly right.

          Android apps don't use the horrible scaling that iPhones use because they are built for many resolutions.

          There is no way that any apps on the market will be built for the iPhone 5, there will be black bars.

        • -3

          Crazily incorrect and the opposite of reality. iPhone development is effectively resolution agnostic whereas Android does not provide the same abstraction. That is one of the reasons there are far less apps for Android.

        • +4

          Far less apps but lots more App stores and free apps. Every app I used to have on my old iPhone I was able to get on Android. Just because they have more doesn't mean they have better. Most of them are just copies of other apps or completely useless apps noone would ever use. The ability to shop at different stores (my favourite is the torrent store) is far superior to having just lots of uselss apps imo

    • True but they mentioned a new "adapter" to plug it into old accessories. How much that adapter is gonna be worth?? Pray that it's cheap :)

    • +1

      existing apps however won't be stretched by default. Doesnt that mean non updated apps will have a black border between them :S

      • +1

        yes, top and bottom

    • +2

      I must say the new phone looked ugly!

      Yes and no to change screen size for the apps. The apps still can run but I believe it will be with black bars on the top and bottom of the long screen. Just like a 4:3 square TV resolution sitting in a widescreen TV. Or even worse, stretched to fit screen and looked distorted which will make the phone even more ugly!

      • +4

        The former - there will be black bars.

        Enjoy the 'bigger' screen lol

  • Will apple exchange this phone at the genius bar if there is an issue or does that need to be taken up with Logan direct?

    • -1

      Logan ;)

  • -2

    Hmm. What's the deal with LTE? What the hell is that? Apple copying Samsung?

      • LTE is supposedly 4G. The iPhone 5 does have the correct frequency support for current australian towers, but in the long term we will move away from that anyway.

        • +10

          LTE IS 4G, not supposedly. The iPhone 5 will work with Telstra, Optus and Virgin 4G networks.

        • +3


          In March 2008, the International Telecommunications Union-Radio communications sector (ITU-R) specified a set of requirements for 4G standards, named the International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) specification, setting peak speed requirements for 4G service at 100 megabits per second (Mbit/s) for high mobility communication (such as from trains and cars) and 1 gigabit per second (Gbit/s) for low mobility communication (such as pedestrians and stationary users).[4]

          Since the above mentioned first-release versions of Mobile WiMAX and LTE support much less than 1 Gbit/s peak bit rate, they are not fully IMT-Advanced compliant, but are often branded 4G by service providers. On December 6, 2010, ITU-R recognized that these two technologies, as well as other beyond-3G technologies that do not fulfill the IMT-Advanced requirements, could nevertheless be considered "4G", provided they represent forerunners to IMT-Advanced compliant versions and "a substantial level of improvement in performance and capabilities with respect to the initial third generation systems now deployed".

          All three providers have been very clear that they intend to move to 700Mhz and/or 2600Mhz.

    • +2

      No it is a communications standard which will in time replace WCDMA/UMTS ('3G'). It is being marketting as '4G', though technically does not mean the 4G specs currently.

      Both optus and telstra have (small) LTE networks up, and this will work on them - for now. Future towers are likely to work at different frequencies which this will not support.

      Ultimately the only current advantage to LTE is to get off the overloaded UMTS towers in inner city areas.

    • It will work with Telstra and Optus 4G/LTE. This is not like the 'new' iPad.

      Not sure whether that means it is "tri-band" LTE to cover the band used by Telstra and Optus. OR, the AU version has different LTE frequencies. If latter, buying from Kogan… (depending on where they imported from), could mean no 4G in AUS. I hope it is tri-band LTE… but that might be wishful thinking.

      • +4

        It is tri-band, there are basically three versions as I understand it:

        1: Crazy US version A
        2: Crazy US version B
        3: Everyone else

      • +7

        There will be 3 different versions of iPhone 5 4G - The one that will be sold in Australia will be "GSM A1429".

        The exact frequencies supported by the three variants are:

        GSM model A1428*: UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz); LTE (Bands 4 and 17)

        CDMA model A1429*: CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900, 2100 MHz); UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz); LTE (Bands 1, 3, 5, 13, 25)

        GSM model A1429*: UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz); LTE (Bands 1, 3, 5)

        I wonder how many will get burnt with grey imports with the wrong 4G freq!

        • +2

          It's worse than just frequency. Some of the 700Mhz is the US has the up/down frequencies reverse and is not the same as 700Mhz here.

          I would stick to the rule of never buy a US version of a phone.

    • apparently Samsung has a lot of patents for 4G LTE so they'll probably start suing apple straight away :)

      • If that's the case they might as well sue every other manufacturer using LTE such as HTC, Sony, Motorola, Nokia… dreaming.

        LTE is an industry standard just like H.264 and HTML5 both of which Apple contributed to greatly.

        • +3

          they probably won't sue the other android manufactures since they're all on the same side..

  • +4

    I bought the galNexus as a stop gap until the ip5 but now i am conflicted as the gNx is an awesome phone and i can do things i could never on my old ip4/s like 1) profiles 2) custom screens ect… Now its not 4G but on telstra its fast enough to stream mobile foxtel without a problem! The newest andriod OS is amazing even unmodded too. Will i go back to the appletree? Depends on the plans its offered on but given all the networks have increased priced and reduced inclusions (greatly reducing the value of 4G) im guessing not anytime soon alas…

    • LTE is only worth it if your UMTS performance is no good and LTE is good in the areas you use it. Best case: heaps of people in those areas get an iPhone 5 and leave the UMTS towers to you.

  • stupid New.com made me think it was now a 15Gb version… (either typo or some idiot thought that was close enough…) looking at the pictures it is clearly not..

    On that note can some bright mind tell me why are units of data doubt in capacity i.e 4gb, 8gb, 16gb, 32gb, ect..? until it hits 1Tb.

    • +8

      Computers use bits to store data. One bit is 0 or 1, which means 2 possibilities. Two bits creates 4, 8 creates 256.

      As you need a number to address other numbers, these create obvious phisical limits. When you get to 1024 the numbers get cumbersom, so 1024 was shortened to 'k', and 1048576 to 'm', etc. Not that this is NOT consistant with the metric system.

      Meanwhile, HD manufacturers swapped to the metric system because:
      1: They needed some extra data anyway to replace bad sectors, so the quantity became arbitrary.
      2: Swapping to metric means that their numbers looked bigger (particularly as you hit GB, TB).

      So now: It is all a huge mess. Where you don't need redundant data factors of two still makes sense, otherwise it is from (bad and confusing) convention.

      • Thank you for the explanation

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