• expired

Isopropyl Alcohol 99.99% 5L $10ea or 3 for $24.99 Delivered @ Nayld eBay


Hey folks i bought some Isopropyl Alcohol the other day with the 10% off site wide coupon and paid $13.50 and i thought i was winning with that deal. This deal is even cheaper amazing price.

5L of Isopropyl Alcohol for $9.50 using the 5% coupon PULL5 (minimum spending $30). The seller's usual price is $24.95 the page says free shipping. Note also the multi-buy offer: Buy 3 eligible items, save $5.

I mainly use isopropyl alcohol to clean electronics like PCB's and LED's some times my screens but seeing as i now have so much i may splurge :P

(I bought mine from Sydney Solvents yesterday and it arrived today.)

Mod edit: Note if you purchase 4 or more, or combine with other items to reach $30 spend you can use PULL5 for a further 5% off.

Original PULL5 5% off Sitewide at eBay Deal Post

WARNING: This is poison, do not consume in any manner. According to the Betty Ford Center, drinking even a small amount of rubbing alcohol can have potentially fatal consequences. Keep away from children. Flammable, Keep away from heat, spark, electrical, fire or flame. Use only in a well-ventilated area; fumes may be harmful. As always read label before use and store appropriately.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks op, great deal!

  • +1


    • Incredible. Tempted to buy two but 10L seems a bit extreme.

  • +1

    yeah that is cheap i just paid ~$30 for 2 litres, i would get this too but i think 2lts will last me for quite a while.

    also: i think pull5 has a min spend of $30.

    • +1

      Time to buy 3 then!!!

  • +1

    Thanks op

  • +1

    Thata an excellent deal, thanks OP!

  • Thanks, always handy to have with bike cleaning etc.

  • +2

    Great deal for cleaning CPUs, electronics, arts and craft etc.

  • +3

    Cue the goes well with LA Coke jokes…

    • +5


    • +2

      Cue the goes well with LA Coke jokes…

      thats absurd, nothing goes well with LA Coke

  • +2

    How does this taste with Coke?

    • +1


      • So true.

  • 7-Up or Pepsi?

  • Ok honest question here, does it expire?

    • +6

      it'll evaporate over time and might wind up slightly less than 99.5%. But it'll still do the job.

  • Thanks bought this, i know you can wet a damp lint free cloth with alcohol and clean electronic parts, but can you submerged or dunk parts with alcohol?

    • +5

      u can but just be careful with water sensitive type components, if they look papery etc like certain types of capacitors, i wouldn't drown them..

      Generally speaking, Alcohol doesn't hurt electronics, also a good idea to use compressed air to blow it off afterwards, tends to leave a little residue if left to dry naturally, depending on how dirty it was to start with.. Alternately, if u don't have a compressor, use a clean cotton rag (like T-shirt material) & a toothbrush to clean off the excess liquid, also being careful not to damage components though by snapping them off.. U get the picture..

      I used to work in the Electronics industry for over 15yrs & used it on a daily basis…

      • -3

        Username checks out.

  • Thanks OP, got one.

  • It's 99%, not 99.99% pure (photo). The difference is quite significant.

    • +14

      By at least two significant figures!

      • +2


    • +1


    • +3

      Still gets me smashed.

      Also joking that stuff will kill you.

    • Yes it but after opening the bottles a few times it goes 'off' absorbing water when exposed to air then it won't be 99.99% anymore so what's the point?

      As long as it is not 70/30 supermarket rubbering alcohol type then this is perfect liquid for cleaning with no residue left behind.

      • Would it still be safe for wiping simple wounds like cuts? (with an appropriate wrapped sterilised gauss or something)

        I'm going to pick up a smaller pump spray dispenser as a cleaner and not opening the main bottle as much.

        • Saline wash followed by betadine would be better don't know what IPA will do to your cells.

        • This stuff is poisonous. Don't use it for drinking or for cuts.

          It's a common mistake that people think "Alcohol" = ethanol. Alcohol means a type of chemical, not a specific one. Ethanol is what gets you drunk, all the other alcohols (including this one, propanol or isopropanol) are poisonous.

        • @Russ: Nope, while this is certainly poisonous to drink, 70% IPA is actually sold at chemists as a topical antiseptic.

        • It's okay for wounds, but this thread is about 99% IPA, for wounds you would usually buy 70% IPA (aka rubbing alcohol) which is sold for that purpose. AIUI you need the 30% water to get the best disinfectant effect.

          The 70% IPA is actually probably a better solvent too because water is the "universal solvent" and a mix will probably dissolve better than either one by itself.

          The 99% stuff is better for electronics where you don't want any water to be present, or where you're really serious about having no residue.

        • @Russ: Slight clarification, you can use it for skin and abrasions/minor wounds, but yeah not big open wounds.

        • @mattythecapybara:

          IPA (propanol or isopropanol) is NOT for abrasions/minor wounds. Read it yourself, says "Do not apply to broken skin."


          Nor is 70% IPA suitable for abrasions/minor wounds. The MSDS says "suitable for general purpose disinfection and hospital equipment or surfaces not likely to come into contact with broken skin".


          SOME "rubbing alcohols" are based on ethanol. Those may be suitable for wounds, depending on the denaturant used. THIS IS NOT ETHANOL.

        • @Russ: It's very easy to find contradictory information to that.


          Or the fact that IPA is one of the main ingredients in Dettol, albeit it will be more diluted once you use it. Or hand sanitizer - they wouldn't put it in there if a wound you missed is a toxicity issue.

          Point being that it's hardly that toxic on skin. They wouldn't use it if it was. That warning could just as easily be there because alcohol of any type hurts like hell on a wound.

          But like you said, some rubbing alcohols, IPA or not might be suitable due to other denaturing ingredients. That's product-specific.

        • @mattythecapybara:
          I wouldn't trust information from an American product. America is very low on regulation of medical products, and each state sets their own rules - so many products are not tested at all by government. Some states, such as California, have gone "over the top" with their rules, other states are mostly unregulated.

          On the first link, the information written on the bottle is somewhat contradictory. "If taken internally serious gastric disturbances will result" is a lot weaker than "In case of ingestion, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away". Both are written on the same bottle.

          IPA is a poison, but the body can probably handle very small amounts getting into the bloodstream. Non-medical staff are poor judges of when and where to use such compounds, which is why we regulate pharmacists in Australia and (usually) limit sales to pharmacies only. When used as an antiseptic, Dettol is HUGELY diluted, and it's less than 10% IPA to start with. IPA is also an industrial product, and this bottle is labelled as such, which is the only reason you can buy it outside a pharmacy.

          I can't read the fine print in the Ebay picture of the bottle, but if you go to the website listed on the bottle (www.artistschoice.com.au), you end up here, this appears to be the same product in an updated bottle:
          where they say "In case of contact with skin, wash contacted area with soap and water."

        • @Russ: I'm sure we can agree it's in the dose. My general thought is that given how often people use this on skin without noticeable effects, it's certainly not easy to overdose on it through the skin. And if you have an open wound big enough to be absorbing large amounts of this, you've either got doctor's advice already as to the best product, or you've got bigger problems than minor-IPA-poisoning.

          I'm not sure what you mean by "industrial product", but I can't see how that'd be relevant. Industry makes and uses pretty much everything, including water, it says little about toxicity.

          But it's certainly not restricted to medical/industrial purposes. For example if you use Command strips around the house, as many people do, the instructions actually say you need to have rubbing alcohol (not to say that's the only thing that'll work, just that it is a household product).

        • @mattythecapybara:

          I'm sure we can agree it's in the dose.

          Well, Dufflover (above) asked if it would be suitable for wiping cuts, and you said 70% IPA is suitable for that purpose. The example you later gave with Dettol, has the IPA at a concentration of less than 0.5%. A huge difference. Dettol also make an antiseptic cream specifically for cuts and abrasions, and it doesn't list IPA at all - its active ingredients are chloroxylenol and triclosan. Dettol also make a range of hand washes, again they don't contain IPA. So while IPA will kill germs, the Dettol company obviously don't think it's the best product to use on your skin or on cuts.

          My general thought is that given how often people use this on skin without noticeable effects, it's certainly not easy to overdose on it through the skin

          A thin layer of IPA evaporates very quickly in an air-conditioned room, on a warm body it will be even quicker. It won't be "on" the skin for more than a few seconds, not long enough for it to absorb deep into the skin and get into the bloodstream. Even if you were to hold some in a cupped hand, I think any that starts to seep into the skin will turn into gas at a fast enough rate that it won't penetrate more than a few cells deep.

          I'm not sure what you mean by "industrial product"

          It's meant to be purchased and used by industry, for industrial purposes. Not meant to be purchased and used by consumers, nor in the medical fields. For example, bottled oxygen is available in different grades. There is a medical grade, suitable for use in hospitals. And there is an industrial grade, mostly used for welding. Both have the same purity of 99.5%:

          The difference is that only one has been certified safe for medical uses. The listed impurities are quite different, I am guessing that breathing the industrial one wouldn't be healthy. Likewise with IPA, there are grades where skin contact is considered dangerous (as per the MSDS I linked above), and others (like rubbing alcohol) where skin contact is considered safe. The one in this deal has a label that says it is unsafe for skin contact.

        • @Russ:

          You are on the right track with "industrial" vs consumer, but got the details a bit mixed up. In the case of Oxygen, there are various grades, but those are to do with the custody chain and ability to make assurances, not the content itself. Oxygen is refined from the air and the concentrators used are the same. It's the handling and maintenance that is the key. The oxygen used for welding is the same oxygen that is used in the food industry, for medical purposes, in aviation or in semiconductor manufacturing. The welder treats his cylinders like tools and only basic safety procedures are followed. Everyone handling those cylinders is aware of that and those cylinders are not being handled with gloves. Cylinders used for food and beverage are treated a bit better and hygiene as well as olfactory contamination is a consideration when handling them. For medical use and aviation other factors are also considered, such as moisture content (can be affected by pressure testing a cylinder and not draining/drying it correctly). Again, this is mainly to do with what happens to the cylinder, not what it is being filled with. The most demanding customers tend to be in the semiconductor industry and they will have extreme purity demands, which means that all interconnects and vessels need to be made from specific materials. A microgram of rust can ruin a batch of CPUs!

          tl;dr - Industrial grade chemicals can mean anything. It could mean contaminated with stuff, or it could mean the purest you can get. You won't know until you read the relevant data sheets (not just the label). Consumer grade usually means "it mostly contains what it say on the label", it does not mean it is any safer or better.

  • +3

    Thanks OP. New Years eve punch sorted 😉

    • Don't try that. It's not ethanol (the stuff that will get you drunk), it's propanol, and it's poisonous.

      "Alcohol" refers to a class of solvents including ethanol, methanol, propanol, butanol. Of these only one will get you drunk, the others will only poison you, frequently with deadly consequences. Ethanol will also poison you in sufficiently large quantities, some people have died from alcohol poisoning after drinking a single bottle of spirits.

      • Isn't alcohol 'poisoning' what new years eve is all about ?
        Seriously though, very interesting post. I know some alcoholics drink methylated spirits, so that obviously gets you drunk. And I know from our science teacher (who later we found out was an alcoholic) he said that the 100% alcohol at school science lab would get you drunk asf lol.
        But this 99% wouldn't get you drunk at all ?? Really ??

        • As CocaKoala says below https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/6104441/redir

          "You could drink, but it would then be a group suicide kind of party."

          Ethanol is what gets you drunk. This stuff will just get converted to acetone inside your body - nail polish remover. Would you drink that?

          Drinking propanol will make you feel ill, and is lethal in quite small doses.

        • Methylated spirits is mostIy ethanol, so yes it'll get you drunk. It's the bit that isn't ethanol that's the issue.

          I've heard (but don't quote me) that nowadays they don't add (the highly poisonous) methanol to methylated spirits anymore, in Australia anyway, so it's not poisonous, just they add stuff that makes drinking it really unpleasant as otherwise you'd have to pay alcohol tax.

          So metho in AU probably won't kill you, no more than 100% ethanol can anyway. It's just really nasty.

          Having said that, don't take my word for it, and don't drink stuff that you haven't read and understood the label of.

          And suffice it to say, 99% IPA (or 70% IPA for that matter) is 0% ethanol. While being a type of alcohol it shares uses with methylated spirits, it's not the same thing at all.

  • +6

    Just bought 1, don't even know what il use it for ㋡

    • +1

      Pheonix Tears. :)

    • If anyone has a water damaged phone they are going to throw away… You could try soaking in this, it will sometimes fix it. You're meant to at least seperate screen though, in case the isopropyl damages the screen. This stuff is great for dealing with corrosion on electronics.
      I was looking into repairing water damaged phones a while back, you need this stuff (preferably purer) and also I purchased an ultrasonic cleaner (large enough to fit phone motherboard) . Its many years ago now, but I think you use the isopropyl in the ultrasonic cleaner. Then its handy to have a heap of moisture absorbing gel packets (like inside new shoes, silicon gel of some sort I think it is) , but rice is OK, just not as good .
      So if you have this isopropyl, and an ultrasonic cleaner laying round (used for jewelry) , then you could youtube all the instructions for repairing water damaged phones .

      • +1

        I'm sure people do this, but probably safer to use distilled water in your ultrasonic (plus an ultrasonic solution of some type) and then follow with a pure IPA bath outside the ultrasonic to displace the water, then dry. Will probably also clean better as two solvents are better than one.

        Like the post warning says, keep away from heat and electricity. You'd probably get away with it under normal circumstances, but if it comes to it IPA could make the difference between a broken ultrasonic and a broken ultrasonic on fire.

        Oh, and rice doesn't work even slightly, the myth actually contributes to making things worse as people attempt to use their devices afterwards. The only thing that works is switching your device off, disconnecting the battery if possible, and taking it for cleaning to someone that knows what they're doing ASAP.

  • This is amazing. Buy 3 for 5 dollars off.

  • +5

    Welcome bek to malabalatori, where sefti is number 1 pririty.

  • +2

    Thx…. Got one….. Now googling what to do with it….


    • +2

      Good for cooking up a batch of cannabis oil, also cleaning aluminium boats and motorcycle frames.

      • WD-40 is best for cleaning greasy bike parts.. Alcohol tends to spread grease around more i find…

        +1 for the hash oil, lol…

  • +2

    Good way to top up your granny’s vodka if you sneak a tipple.

    • +1

      Wishing for early inheritance?-)

      Don't drink this stuff: https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/what-happens-if-you-drink-r…

      Yeah, I'm a killjoy.

      • +4

        "So yes, you’ll likely get drunk if you decide to drink rubbing alcohol, but it will also taste awful, will burn your throat for days afterward, you’ll be throwing up due to the fact that it’s been denatured, you’ll most likely need to go to the emergency room, and, oh yeah, the chances of it killing you are pretty good."

        lol sounds like a good time….

        • +1

          So, then it is ok to mix it with orange juice?

      • Yeah, I'm a killjoy.

        Nah you are just fun at parties

    • I know you're joking, but for those wondering, you can just use water. Vodka is basically 40% ethanol and 60% water when you buy it.

  • +1

    Got one. Thanks OP. Pretty sure I paid about $10 for a small spray bottle a few months ago…

  • +1

    Wow this is much cheaper than vodka!

    • -1

      Exactly my thoughts.

    • +3

      Vodka is only expensive due to the taxation on it. $82.76 per litre of 100% ethanol. Compare that to the cost of producing 100% ethanol (under $1 per litre).

      A 700ml bottle of 40% vodka has $23.17 cents of tax on it.

    • Like Cluster said, it's the tax that makes the price. If you can't drink it, it won't have tax. You can't drink this, and you also can't drink metho, even though it's mostly ethanol.

      • You can drink Diggers method as it isn't denatured with methanol.

        Someone linked to this previously

        • +1

          That depends on how you define "can drink". Yes metho is not poisonous like IPA is, but under my definition in this context (and the government's obviously), it includes "too unpleasant to want to drink".

  • -1

    Cheers. Nfi what I'm gonna do with it though.

  • +1

    It's actually $24.99 when you add 3 to cart

  • +2

    And it's gone

  • +4

    How do they even ship this for less than $10?

    • +3

      No idea, as its dangerous goods.

    • +3

      Some companies pay a monthly fee for delivery services so the can afford loss leaders like this

      • Some couriers have a minimum spend, but that is not the same as a flat fee for delivery.

      • Not much of an effective loss leader with OzBargain around, especially given they readded stock a bunch of times so they must've seen what's going on.

        • No one makes any profit when we're around

        • @Herbse:

          KFC does.

  • Missed out :( :( :(

    • back in action!! bought one. Tempted to buy 2, but i really dont need 10 litres of it.

  • Thanks OP, got in just before it sold out!

  • I think they're all gawn.

  • And its …..


  • +1

    Anyone buy a bunch and want to sell me some. Great to us for car detailing.

    • +1

      Car detailing? Like juat the hard plastics inside? Wont that dull it?

      • I am interested as well, but I'd imagine for metal and glass surfaces.. I wonder though if it effects the topcoat?

      • Yeah quite advanced car detailing. You use it 1/3 to 1/2 diluted with distilled water and spray down the body of a car after polishing it to get rid off everything so you can properly inspect the surface. Basically making the paint 100% contaminant free after polishing to see the progress :)

  • +6

    Fark me, that'll teach me for writing a long winded comment…


    • +6

      Ahhh…. a common trap for young players……in future your M.O. on this site should always be, buy first, post comments later!

      • Glad i refreshed the front page when i did…

        Nabbed 2 bottles…

        She's apples now…

        • ….i was so sad i missed this, then more quantity appeared, in cart checkout, fail, its sold out again.

  • Sold out

  • Anyone in Melbourne looking to split some let me know. I missed out :-(

  • -1

    In all seriousness though, can I drink this? (diluted of course)

    • +2

      I'm not sure why but I googled this after buying, seems serious illness or death is likely after consumption.

    • +3

      You'll only ever drink it once.. X_X

      • YOEDIO

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